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Goes well with the name.

Its got a pretty cool sound to it. Has that typical punk sound that most people like. It has that main stream sound. I'd say you did a good job. Good quality and such. Keep it up!


giftedbuttwisted responds:

Thanks, we will man

yeah, you already know what i'm gonna say.

SLAYER!!! ICK!! SLAYER!!! Ok i got that out of my system. It doesn't sound that bad but i think you could do much better then slayer with this song. The song along brings out high expectations of your listeners you can at least do better then slayer lol. Yes, you are getting clipping to this song pretty badly hah. I'm sure you already knew that. I'd even say add a choir in there man. Heck even get with me on MSN some time and i'll see what else i can do to help with this! (If i don't lose my patience with it lol)



Cosmos8942 responds:

Rofl, you mean like you have once already? ;p But that clipping I was already aware of, I was just wondering what people would think of it with the clipping in there, which, in sort, the reply(s) from my listeners so far has not been that bad which leads me to believe that I should keep going with this piece. So as such, I will do just that. Time for a short break before I get around to finishing up this song. UNTIL THEN PEOPLE!


Yes yes, I will get on msn when I can. A full-time job isn't the greatest way to go for free-time .-.

not bad.

Something about the quality of this though. It seems like it could be better. For what you did i will give you credit for sure. Ahh you recorded it over a PC mic thats why. yeah that will bring the quality down a bit.. Anyway, over all good stuff quality needs work!

much luv!

MegaMac responds:

I definitely need someway to implement my 4 track and ACID software...lol. Thanks for reviewing!

Very nice.

This all together is great on the ears. Fun to listen to. The upbeat bongo's bring out a happy feeling and the synth's and crazy space sounds you added do not take anything away from the song. Over all great work.


ScratchBatteryMusic responds:

*humbly smiles* Thanks man. It feels good to know the audience likes what comes out of my head.

Thanks again.

haha good stuff!

I can't stop laughing!!!!!


Rig responds:

You'd better. Or else.

OMG another remix of this song.

I can't stand the song in general but i'm not going to let my opinion ruin it for you! The guitar is really good. Keep it up!


giftedbuttwisted responds:



Pretty funny actually i must say. Great funny song all in all. Congrats again on getting top 30. Keep it up! Though i can't say the lyrics were the best but haha for a funny song it works.


giftedbuttwisted responds:

Hahaha thanks


Can't say that this really aww'd me at all. I mean good work recreating the song in 8 bit however i don't hear anything original to this track. I will give you this though i still wanna bob my head and dance around like a damn fool LOL!

Keep it up!


pheel responds:

Fair enough really.
I'm not a particularly "creative" person which is probably why most of my songs are remixes or covers.

Still, I do try :)

Thanks for reviewing :)

Pay no attention to below.

Deffenatly something different. perhaps something that NG needs. Congrats on most of the top 30 songs you have on. This song is rather intersting. None the less keep up what your doing.


giftedbuttwisted responds:

Thanks, we will!

Its not bad.

A bit short if anything i'd say that the strings add a cool ambience to the song so the strings are nice.. I think that some of the piano needs a lil work (just felt a lil flat in some places to me) Other then that it does have a great sound to it! Good loop! keep it up!


Anrik responds:

Thanks alot for the review! Helps me alot with criticism, thanks!

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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