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Sounds a lil 8 bit =).

I'd say there needs to be a lil more mixing and mastering done to this but all in all its a fun listen. Reminds me of early role playing games if anything. its a fun listen so keep it up!


Lightningpichu responds:

I totally agree, sound needs a little work and the music itself could use a little work. Thanks for the review :D

Mixing needs work.

Your main synth is way to loud. You need to compress it slightly to kinda make it flow more with the rest of the song. Everythings just kinda bam in your face wich makes it hard to enjoy the song. When the song actually quiets down a bit at 1:04 for the breakdown its a LOT better. Everything is nicely mixed in at that part. However it goes RIGHT back to the same problem making this hard to listen to. Remember This kinda music doesn't have to be UBER loud to be enjoyed. Keep up the music and good attempt thus far!


zlarke responds:

what about now? o.o


I'm liking the flanger you added in this for effect. I'm also liking the beat and how everything kinda comes into play. In fact i'm not really hearing anything in this song i dislike. Its got a good lenght, its got catchy as hell. If i were to complain i'd say slightly turn down the volumes on your beat but I can even live with that. All in all its a good listen. So keep it up!


AntiOxygen responds:

Huge thanks for the input! Glad you enjoyed it.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I can sing like the wow chick too!! SONG SING SOOO SAAAAAAA! haha seriously though man, good work with these samples.


Druids-Warcry responds:

thank you, thank you *takes a bow*

its not a dick man... (inside joke)

Its not too bad at all.

The beat almost doesn't feel like it changes through out the whole song. Its just like you added effects to it to make it feel as if it changed and later on you add a bass drum to add a small change wich is good. Its pretty repetitive for my taste, i don't hear any real method to the madness. Its like the whole song is a build up and goes no where.. Wich is slightly dissapointing. That doesn't make this a bad song however it just makes it good to listen to for only so long in my opinion. Over all its not bad so keep it up bro!


DJPureSuffer responds:

WOOHOO! i got a review from wyldfyre! XD
Yeah, i threw this song together in about a day. It lacks variation and a climax. I plan to add both when i finish this. hopefully it will be epic. Thanks for the review! :D

Its not to bad.

I think what stands the most to me is the bass. Its well produced. Could use some slight fixes here and there in the mastering, and is pretty simple for what the song is. However sometimes simple is good. So all in all good work and congrats on the top five!


Tilkanuts responds:

Thanks again Wyldfyre! It means a lot.

- Tilky

Congrats on top five.

Its a bit simplistic for my tastes however the piano is wonderfuly done. I feel if you added a bit more to the piano part especually in the opening of it that it would of shinned a bit more. I can't say i liked the way the intro worked out also. However when the song transitions with the beat it gets pretty nice on the ears. All in all tis a good listen with a few flaws. So keep up the music buddy!


Tilkanuts responds:

I know you aren't an easy one to give high numbers, so a 7 from you is excellent from my point of view. I've been getting a bit of crap from all of the big players, but at least YOUR review gave constructive criticism. You even shed light on some positive side of things instead of just dwelling on the negative. I thank you for that wyldfyre! Thanks for reviewing :)

- Tilky

The essence of ambience.

Really thats all i can say. Its a wonderful wonderful listen. Very relaxing and gets the mind working. As should all music. Good work.


ElectronicIDM responds:



Impossible 8O

Thanks (:

Collabs a winner i'd say.

I like the build upfor sure. Everything in this song has a good flow. I think the worst part about getting top five these days is that people zero bomb the living shit out of the top five songs because they made it. It shows that in this day and age some NG users are just bitter bastards and thats just to bad. Oh well. All in all keep it up you two and keep making the music.


Helth responds:

Thanks alot man!

Well, that's just my words, i totally agree..

Thanks again for the review!

Pretty nice to listen to.

The synths that start out at 0.25 are slightly to loud. May wanna turn those down a tad. Other then that its not a bad listen. Everything kinda goes together nicely. The beats a bit typical for this kinda song however again, it goes nicely with the song. Reminds me of a happy summer day (hence the name right? ) all in all keep up the good work my friend and congrats on top five.


DanceNation responds:

Thankyou, I totally agree, not mixed very well

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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