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its not to bad.

Could use a lil more eq work, the instruments are a lil overbearing and loud. The generic FL "Dance" bass drum your using here is kinda over played and makes me almost wanna turn the song off cuz i hear it in almost EVERY new persons track on NG (trust me i did it too so i can understand). All in all this isn't all that bad. Keep up the music.


SpliceMan responds:

I agree, for a new guy, the DnC drum is basicly the only real kick that is default with FL, It's sorta hard to find new stuff for it.
Anyway, thanks for the review!

Very nice.

Strings just suck you in and as the piano moves it brings you into a story. A land where the wind blows upon the tree's and a slight shadow coming from the horizon. Whats to come for us? Who's to know? =). None the less this song is very awe inspiring. Keep it up!


fizhbone responds:

Thanx, yeah it's making a story as you are listening to, i think so too, thanx man !


This has made me laugh! I'm glad i'm not a douche or anything haha. Anyway, good work on this its pretty damn funny. Again, lots of good va work here


rednikaiaG responds:

I'm glad I could make you laugh, wyldfyre1------>
No, you are NOT a douche, you're FAR from it. Glad we agree on that.
Now pick up your f*ckin' @ss and put it back on.
Thanks so much for the good words and fair vote as well.
You made my day just from being my first review.
*thinks about RP'ing and smiles at you, modestly*
So, until we come up with an amazing idea together. . .

.........Take care, be good and review first.period

my balls itch....

LOL Sorry i couldn't help but say something stupid for the title. This songs a bit too loud in my opinion however its got some awesome effects and all that. So keep it up! FINISH A SONG YA DOUCHE!


Druids-Warcry responds:

well take your itchy balls off my song... it will get them covered in grimmy ball funk... asshole

if its to loud your too old! grampa

My mind is swimming!

Female voices everywhere! what am I to do? Its like choas in my mind with ladys voices all over the place! hahah all in all it was pretty funny and what not to listen to =).


rednikaiaG responds:

Thanks a bunch, wyldfyre1
*cheers for your forum post about the nameless douche
with a top 5 song with more votes than listens*------>
What a sweet thing to stop by and give me a review! I really DO appreciate it! I apologize for the "my head feels like it's swimming" sensation you experienced after listening to it! Chaos'll do that to ya.
Thanks for your fair voting as well. Not many people still ACTUALLY vote on things. They merely zer0 b0mb or 5 it. Stag was going on about that yesterday and just how sad it is, really. Anyhoo, you're a doll. Thanks. You ever need an extra voice, you know where I am.
*gets that damn "Wildfire" song from the 70's or whatever era, stuck in my head after seeing your name again* Until next time. . .

.............Take care, be good and "Get these hard times right on out of our minds
riding Wy-hy-hy-HY-hy-hy...hy-hy-hy-HY-hy-hy -wy-hy-h'l-wy-huh-ld-FYRE1"! exclamation point

very nicely put together.

This is one of those songs that you can sit and listen to and day dream. Lovely use of instruments. lovely use of well, EVERYTHING. I'm going to add this to my favorites. This is a song my imagination can take off on. Wonderful work buddy!


durn responds:

thanks a lot, wyldfyre. :) I was hoping you'd drop some comments. you generally give very rational reviews and this time is no different. :) thanks man.

Well looky who got top five ^_~.

Very interesting sound you have here. Its fun to listen to for sure. Great work on instrumentation and EQ work here. Some parts i feel could of had a better melody but all in all i think everything works out. Congrats on the top five bro!


Helth responds:

Hey thanks wyldfyre!

Great stuff.

Opening has a Final fantasy feel to it. The bass that comes in also reminds me alot of a final fantasy 7 type sound. Anyway, everything flows and moves very nicely. All in all i'd say this song was a win. Congrats for getting in the top five. Wonderful work here! The piano that comes in just blows the mind as you listen. Very nice stuff here as i've said before. Just keep it up my friend.


JohnnyFrizz responds:

Thank you very much my good friend, that means a lot to me coming from you =)

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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