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I wanna think of days past too!!

Hey guys i remember a winter...it was a winter....Cold..brrr..Ok enough of me being stupid. This song is very chill. Something you can just listen to and think back on winter....or something? LOL =). its got a nice relaxing beat and it does add alot to the imagination! You've always been good at that S3C! Keep it up! Now i review your NEXT song!


S3C responds:

thanks man....when you said "very chill" was that pun intended?

yeah, Damn good stuff.

I hear much anger in you. LOL Seriously though good work! dude didn't know what tree he was barking up when he started asking for diss tracks. Its all good at least he's below giving credit that ya'll are better hahah.


Blasphem-E responds:

I have turned to the dark side

its oook.

I mean i've heard better.. LMFAO i'm kidding man this sounds pretty nice. Stop being a damn stranger and takl to me some time you damn ass hat!


Druids-Warcry responds:

ass hats get Touched in the NO NO zones

Its not to bad.

I got to give you an A for effort most deffenatly. Lets be honost its not the best singing in the world but i've heard MUCH worse then this so for what it is it sounds pretty nice. Its almost a chill, yet depressing song haha. Anyway keep it up for as always.


Broken-Needle responds:

I agree sir it's gonna b redone with a surprise guest appearence=D

Holy hell!

I completely forgot about this song. Yeah i'd love to work on it some more! hahah i remember how i came up with the melody. We were on vent and i was playing with my casio! HAHAAH Gotta love that stuff. I like what you've done with it. I can already think of a few things to add myself. Hmm.. Anyway We'll hit this up sometime


Druids-Warcry responds:

you should ass fingers

Pretty nice!

Both of ya'll are doing a pretty damn job spitting to this track. You did a good job there MR wyze, Gasmasq did a damn good job also! All in all i don't have any complaints really. Its chill to listen to.


Blasphem-E responds:

a pretty damn job indeed! lol. Thanks man, glad you enjoyed it.

hmm nice set here.

gonna be interesting to hear some of these songs remixed for sure. I can recognize some of them. Keep it up and can't wait to hear the finished project.


Laikros responds:

I can't wait to hear the finished project too.
Progress is coming slowly, but steadily, and you can expect a full song in the near future. Very near future!


I've fallen into the abyss of my own mind.

LOL i don't know man i didn't know what to say. Its a good song for sure!


F-777 responds:

Haha thanks man =).

This is wonderful!

its funny as hell but i think its a cheap shot at me because i do this kinda stuff all the time! I will bring up how much more pussy i get then you because i think that will make a valid point. I'm so hot! ^_~ Mackity this is just one of those joke songs. =) enjoy it! IT got a chuckle out of me.


Blasphem-E responds:

Haha, thanks for the review man


there are 2 songs on the top five right now that are good and in my opinion deserve to be up here. This is one of them. This is a pretty darn good mix and what not. your startin to be one of the more known artists here. Keep it up! If i have ANY complaint about this is that its slightly to loud and that could just be my speakers this time around.


LK412 responds:

Nah its just loud :P. I really NEED to learn to mix better. Ppl keep helping me but i just cant get it :(.

Thanks for the kind words man, it really mans a lot coming from you.

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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