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Very nice.

This is one of those songs that sturs the imagination. I could see this for many different reasons. I can't say i've played the game that you say this came from but DAMN the song is freaking awesome. The only complaint i have is towards the beginning you added a hit and that didn't sound like it fit. You again used it later on 1:26. Other then that the song just rules all LOL.

Keep it up!


rtnario responds:

6th comment about the hit XD It was part of the original song, and since I wanted to remain faithful (like I almost always do in all remixes) to the original melodies, I even added the random hit that people who've played the game and heard the original theme might like. ^^

Thanks for the review, still =)

WOO HOO Castlevania!!

I'd say you've gotten away with making a rather great version of this song. I've heard several on OC remix and its been a while since i've been there so i don't know if this has been posted there but if you've not posted it i suggest you do! Its a rather nice version of the song. So i'll be adding this to my favorites. Great work!


Stage3-1 responds:

Hey thanks man. I used to post on OC but the people there weren't very positive/helpful. I'll stick to NG for new. Thanks for the review.


Very nice to listen to. Does bring out a lot of imagination and thought while listening to it. I almost picture a utopia while listening to this. like a long quest ending and finally some peace of mind. Its a lovely song and has a lot of great choices of instruments. The EQ work is rather impressive (if you do it just right it doesn't sound like its there =). This is going on my favorites. I've always had a weakness for this kinda music. (If you've heard my music you would be able to tell hah). Anyway great work!


ZOMGBIE responds:

Yes I have heard your music before, and to tell you the truth you're one of the artists I listened to and always wondered, "how do i get my music to sound that good?" So it's really quite and honor to get a review from you and I'm glad you enjoyed it so much.


I think you could of worked a lil more with that background piano melody but it does work rather well. A second counter melody to that to bring out the actual cool sound it has would be awesome. The drums sound pretty nice for sure. The horn you use could use something to make it sound a tad more fuller. Other then that its a rather good track! You've come a long way "stingy" lol =) Keep it up!


Blasphem-E responds:

Haha, I love how every review you say I've come a long way. :D

And ya, I might consider adding a counter melody - if I can think of one.

Thanks as always

it short but its a demo. =)

Still, i think you pretty much summed up the imagination of a black hole in a song here. Its brings up alot of thoughts and brings out the imagination as i listen to it and thats what music is all about. Keep it up!


axeFX responds:

I know this is just a demo, I'm usually against submitting incomplete songs, but I haven't submitted for awhile so I figured, "what the hell?". I think 3 straight minutes of this droning grime would be bad for the healthz x_X


The beat isn't all that bad and you got something going for ya for just getting FL studio 8 =). We've all had our slayer moments but oh man... it just hurts the ears soo much (slayer does). I'd say look for yourself some VST's and soundfonts. That'll help out a LOT. You obviously have the talent for a good melody. I'd like to see it put to use on a digital instrument that sounds good. Keep it up however!


rorychally responds:

thanks so much for the tips, really. I'll try and look into getting a decent sounding guitar. i won't submit another song until i do :P

ok! This i like!

I'm liking what i'm hearing here! Its got a pretty nice lead in. I feel you could turn down the bass a bit or even change the instrument to something less in your face but that is just my opinion. This is a step up from what i've heard from ya off and on. Its got some potential for sure! Keep it up!!


DJ-Galax responds:

Thanks wyld! :)

I can't say i liked it.

however it is a very different version of the song with the exception of the vocals. I can't say its my favorite song even in the original form. I don't want you to think i was disrespecting you with my earlier review on your top five song. You got talent bro. I'd love to hear a more original song with ya sometime soon ^_~.


DJ-Galax responds:

Well, thanks! I'm still learning stuff and such. ;)


No offence to you sir but this song isn't really top five meterial. How you got it is beyond me. However that doesn't make it all that bad. Its VERY annoying on a loop. It just needs a little more work some more love and to be a full song. It'll be wonderful if fuller. Anyway keep it up!


DJ-Galax responds:

Thanks! I've seen your works. AMAZING!

Ok, this got a chuckle out of me.

Its not all that bad i don't know if its top five meterial however its not bad and did get a few chuckles out of me for sure. Congrats on top five however!


FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

I fucking hate it that it got top 5 LOL but i am also very happy.


I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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