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A new druid song? Finally.

Well ya finally got the guts up to post a track with you doing yo thing! Good work man! Seriously like i told you when you sent this to me earlier its a pretty nice track all in all. I'm not gonna say what everyone else has said even if its true haha cuz you've heard it enough. Keep on it!


Druids-Warcry responds:

haha yeah i know its about time right? haha well thanks for the review WF it makes me smile knowing your still keeping people up. and thats why we <3 you

Happy birfday!

Love the strings in this of course. Great story comes to mind when i listen to this. Works well for the imagination. lovely use of strings. I keep waiting for a beat to come around but unfortunatly it doesn't seem like ones coming up. I can imagin a awesome beat to this. however it has that sad feel to it so maybe a beat would kind of ruin that. none the less keep it up bro.


Blasphem-E responds:

Well, this was just 1 jam session, a single run through. Couldn't do a beat at the same time. But who knows? I may add something later.

Thanks as always for the review

Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong song.

8 minutes? Geez man you think this songs long enough? hahah. Seriously though from what I'm hearing thus far its a fun listen. Your getting a 5 and a 9 outta me. Very nice to listen to at some parts. Gets the imagination working for sure. Way to tired to leave a super huge review so here you go. Much luv and keep it up! (No i didn't listen to all of it i actually panned through it but i listened to the majority... due to i'm working on music of my own riiight now). Thanks for the link for sure!


Kazmo responds:

Long song is lonnnngggg!

very lovely.

Its good you noticied its really low, you may wanna add a compressor or something to this to turn it up slightly. I'd love to hear it without having to turn my speakers up. My question is (and i'm sure your expecting this)... Whats with the voice at the end? haha. Just kinda caught me off guard as i was just relaxing and listening. Hmmm Kinda forces you out of the happy place that this song puts you in. Anyway, keep it up!


adgezaza responds:

Thanks! and I will boost it.

The voice is Bryan Nugent if you can believe it. This was composed for a short film and the end fades into the scene so I cut it there for NG.

As usual i'm reviewing as i listen.

The opening is alright. It has that slow start build up feel as most songs in this gendre have. I can't say i like the bass line with the percussion that may just be my personal preference though. I'm likeing some of the sound effects you use in the song as it transitions. I can't say i'm huge fan of this due to the random sounds added with the melody. I can't say i've heard the original but I must say that i'm a strong believer of music having feeling or at least drawing something out of you. I feel almost robotic (one way of putting it) when i listen to this.
Now don't take this the wrong way, thats not a super bad thing its just not something i feel i can get into =) Some others (as you can see below) really like this song so perhaps with me its just a matter of preference.

Much luv and keep it up!


DjRhythm89 responds:

im glad you was are honest. to be honest with you the program i am cusing is kind of just a practice for me(if that makes sense) so trying to get thr right creative feel for this song its kind of hard when you cant really customize its to a sertin liking. but thanks and check out my other stuff. im sure you will see the difference haha much love

I'm liking this.

Very nicely done with the drums on this for sure. I can see your trying to better yourself as an audio artist here and it seems that your doing so. I think that a compressor put on some of these drums would help slightly, Over all i think thats the only thing i have to say. The drums arn't bad at all. Now lets hear some more instruments on this puppy? LOL. Over all it makes me wanna drink poi and dance to a jungle god!


logicofdeath responds:

What an awesome review! I heavily appreciate it. Thank you so much for reviewing my songs!

I'll agree with below.

The song in general was nice. Its the choir sound you put in that kinda hurts it a little. Try another choir if anything and turn down the volocity a bit so that its more in the background and less in the foreground. All in all its not bad. the actual SONG is fun to listen to its just that one part that makes it hard to listen to.


logicofdeath responds:

Well, I am glad you liked the song itself. I will probably post another version of this song with some different instrumentation, eventually. It does sound a little grating. Thank you for the review!

Not to bad. Got your e mail ^_~

I got your e mail for sure. Some of the strumming your using (sounds like slayer) your probably wanna gonna replace those instruments because they hurt slightly. Now, this isn't a bad song or anything it just needs a lil more fine tuning =) sometimes instruments just don't work and ya gotta go out hunting for new ones haha. I've had this problem from time to time myself. Keep writing the music!


logicofdeath responds:

Thank you so much for reviewing! I have been looking for other instruments, and probably could've mastered this a bit better too. I do plan to continue writing music, thanks again.

Gettnig better.

It almost has an industrial (Spelling?) sound to it. It works for it for some reason in my opinion. Its kinda groovy in its own way. I wont blow smoke up your butt and say its the best song ever but its not bad. You've come a long way from asking me to review just looped beats. Good to see your finally learning your DAW.


djwizzkid responds:

Thanks for the review

I have a very soft place in my heart for classical

This is also very much so video game meterial. Could hear this playing in a role playing game. Reminds me a WHOLE lot of the opera house in FF6 (or in america FF3). Wonderful stuff here. You keep this kinda stuff up!


MusicalRocky responds:

Thanks man!

And thanks for the review!

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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