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Not bad at all thus far.

Well you should get right back in there and work on it some more ^_~ this song is worth finishing in my opinion. Its got that typical Dance type beat but that i wont hold agenst ya haha. Its got some good use of melody and counter melody. I hear synths in the background that bring out the main melody. All in all you got something good here i'd just like to see it a bit more of a full song.


UnrealReno responds:

Haha thanks.

I'll see what I can do!

Misc is good for now =).

I'd say it works for misc in the audio portal. This has a pretty cool oriental feel to it however its almost a lil' too repetitive for my tastes from time to time and gets a bland feeling. I keep expecting the song to jump out at me and go "BAM IN YO FACE" but it kinda doesn't do that. That doesn't make it a bad song mind you i just feel there could be more to it. Other then that you have something good here!


TehZorzGuy responds:

Thank you man. It's nice to see something helpful here. But I have some small questions though:

-When in the hell does a song ever go "BAM IN YO FACE!"?!
-Does that event happen to you often?

Good lead in.

Everything in this is just fun to listen to. It has a bit of a story telling feel to it also. Almost like someones saying something about something bad that happend? haha i don't nkow i'm about out of it right now due to lack of sleep. None the less great work on this track buddy!


DigitalPulse responds:

Yeaa! Thanks man, and yea, don't know what you meant about the story thing but thanks :p

Thanks for the review,

Digital Pulse

This is a lil to much like the nes version.

I'm not going to say you did it but this could pass as a midi ripped song being that its almost exactly like the midi version ripped from the NES version. So for that i'm not going to give you much of a score. good work using a good song though because the actual ghost busteres theme is pretty bad ass.


tsunami334 responds:

All of my songs are a MIDI rips so feel free to say it; only thing I do is make it a .mp3 and upload to Newgrounds.


Smooth pedophile?

LMFAO! I remember when you told me you were making this remix and now he's dead NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Oh well, its to bad.. hahah the mix is still good and makes me wanna sing and dance and grab my crotch!


Druids-Warcry responds:



*nut grab*

hey silly, im a bad boy thug *AHOU!* watch me dance watch me dance.

It came to me.

That i don't think i've reviewed anything you've done off your profile. The song is freaking awesome for one and then you added the flow to it wich made it even better. Nice flow, great over all lyrics, its nice to hear something other then diss tracks every so often hah. Over all man you keep it up!

Much luv.


Gasmasq responds:

Tyvm wyldfyre. I was actually kinda starting to wonder why I'd never gotten a review from you, lol. I had been worried that my flow wouldn't be able to match the amazingness of the song itself, so I'm glad to hear that I did, indeed, do it well.

And yeah, diss tracks can be entertaining on a humorous level, but I'm more into making cats think, or just expressing myself as a person. I wish there were more artists on here like that, but I suppose there can't be one without the other.

Thanks again for the review.

Great effects.

Wonderful use of effects. This song gives me the feeling of a fight for hope of a world. Or something along those lines.It needs to be finished or is it a loop? I'm to lazy to look right now. Over all damn good work!


S3C responds:

thanks, you can look just a little bit to your left or at the description to see whether its a loop or song lol. thanks again for the reviews.

Old school for sure.

Its almost like i can tell what kinda mood you were in when you wrote this. Again, with the emotion and the greatness with this song. The beats great, great use of sounds and what not. Its almost like i'm going down a dark hall way not knowing whats going to come at me next. Reminds me a tad of silent hill.


S3C responds:

thanks :)

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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