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yes, i'd call this modern. Very well done. Great work on this song. Its easy to get into and you just can't stop listening till its over. Wow.. Nicely done!


Zodiax responds:

yay, thanks for the review, i check out some more of your stuff later ;)


really it works wonderfully. It flows in a great way and just works. Its not to long its not to short. NIcely done all together!


MusicalRocky responds:

I hope it's beautiful! :D
I rarely think of my pieces as beautiful lol.

That's good that it flows well--always a good thing. Indeed, in the 3-4 min range is a comfortable length for a song.

Glad you like it! Thanks for reviewing.



this is one of those tracks you can sit back and close your eyes and let it take you away on a mystic journey or some thing along those lines. Its a good track.

Good work on this!


PrEmoEffect responds:

Thanks! Thats what I was intending!

latin music is just fun!

its got a great sound. the guitars sound nice. Everything works nicely. Great work on this track!


beans384 responds:

Thanks =D Not sure how to reply other than 'I think so too' So yeahh.. Thanks for the review!!

I like it but some problems with it.

Its got a great strings selection and everything flows well. its just some of the instruments are overmodulated wich is causing some clipping here and there. Other then that its a tight song haha as i listen to it I am actually thinking of things i would put in this vocally and or instrumentally. Great work none the less.


Mister-Monker responds:

ya i jus listend to it on here,doesnt do that on the program
gonna look into it,makes it sound kinda wack
and by all means right a track if you can,hahaha ;)
thx for the feed bro

it sounds good.

Its got some pretty cool parts to it some, again, parts i would change up but all together it does sound damn well done as always keep on it man! Great work.


kaptainkewl responds:

Thanks for another Great review WF. I'd love if you told me what you'd like to change, It can only help me in later projects. It' good to see you've taken a liking to my music and Hopefully I'll be able to Impress you some more. Especially from a avid music maker like yourself. Just wondering though, What kind of Programs do you use for your music? (feel free to PM me)


It has a almost errie tone to it but at the same time its relaxing.. LOL makes you relax but look over your shoulders..haah not many songs i've heard do that. i'd say it needs a little more to it. Other then that you've done a pretty nice job.


RealPublic responds:

I thought you'll say something like "What the f**k you've done? Your just wasting Newgrounds' server! Get out!" :D

But really I thought I wouldn't get any reviews.

Thanks my friend

this is more.

of a groove then a techno song but it does have its cool sounds to it that work out. Around a minute into the song it gets pretty decent. I'd say keep working on it and you can make this song really stand out! The beats pretty nice. It just needs some work and perhaps effects done in with it. Keep it up!


Trogg responds:

I couldn't say that i know the difference between dance and techno and all those other styles, but i do think this is probably my best song yet.

very simple..yet..LOL..more.

well the name does give it credit. It does need alot more work however but i'm sure you've seen reviews like this coming. Its got the outlook to become something pretty good if ya just keep at it!


monk1 responds:

Well...i said more....because as simple and pure as it is... it just made me feel good when i was upset at the time... thus there was something else to it, thought I couldn't put my finger on it.
But thanks for the review. ^_^

Great stuff!

never cease to rock it right LOL. Great work man! Congrats on the top 5.

5/5 - 9/10


Kr1z responds:

woot thx :D

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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