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Very good stuff here.

The string intro was damn wonderful. I like the melodies used in this song. Great use of strings, and a orchistral drum kit. Love the flutes added in. Over all you've done a damn good job in this track. In fact i'm going to fav this.

THIS is ten worthy for sure.


FairSquare responds:

Thanks man!

Very interesting.

Its nice to listen to all ya'll spitting to this is just pure sexy. I expect nothing less but greatness from ya'll and thats what i got. Good work fella's all of ya..Even you Yun with this sexy music here. Lovely,lovely stuff.


war-spawn responds:

I heart you jew. <3

interesting for sure.

Enjoying the use of synths and such in this for sure. Interesting lead in to a even more interesting melody. Its got a groove for sure but i think its missing something. I can't really put my finger on it for sure.. It almost feels like it could use a little more melody if that makes sense? anyway this is a pretty nice song none the less i'd expect no less from ya. Keep it up!


Shinrog responds:

yup, melody makes sense, but that'd ruin the flow as I already tried adding a melo ;)
Thx for reviewing!

oh wow.

The flows not bad. Dubbing over yourself works well. Problem i can hear in this is the mic Quality man. I can hear when that puppy kicks on. LOL. None the less its not bad at all. Very hip hop tastic.


Blasphem-E responds:

Ya, I know what you mean. I'm currently trying to find the right adapters to allow me to run my mic through my brothers mixer first and then into the laptop. Should work better.

The song gives off the feeling of the title.

Its got a great feel to it. At the same time it does say "hey dude, fuck off" lol. Great guitar work in this. Love the hard drums. I gotta say though i'm not sure the opening really worked (the vocal file) Other then that man its a damn good song.. 9 worthy indeed.


Evil-Dog responds:

Cool dude, but I love quotes haha

unfinished. Still great potential.

I got to say i can't wait to hear what the finished product is going to sound like. VERY interesting thus far. Love the intro, love through out the song. Great guitar work, Wonderful lead ups. Good work over all thus far. Tell me when its finished fella's.


Rig responds:

Will do!

Interesting to listen to.

Its got a really cool sound to it for sure. It does get a bit repetitive. The beat itself needs a few change ups. Though you did a great job with (what i'm hearing is a harp and piano mix?) Anyway, you've got a great concept here for sure!


TJTheChill responds:

Thanks. I think the whole concept here has inspired me to do lots more stuff like the last 60 secs of it.( i hope u lisened to the whole thing) The last 60 seconds are an mix of House and Orchestra (violins choir harps violas etc.) Anyways im glad u enjoyed it. Thanks for the review.

not bad.

You have a damn good concept here with the syncing of synths and such. However I think it may be just a little to loud (and i beleive thats what Helth was talking about) The piano that comes in later in the song adds a great feeling to it. Over all i just think this song needs a lil more EQ work to it. Other then that its not bad at all!

Keep it up!


stefevr responds:

thanks for the comment ^^

Do not listen to a word MillsApparatus says.

This is truely a classical peice. It has alot of direction and it tells a story for sure. Great use of a classical drum set here. Wonderful lead ups. This is a damn good song! Some people can't appreceate this because its not TECHNO or because its not basicly the type of music they like wich is ignorent. Anyway keep making the music!


Rottenbeard responds:

I won't listen to him, don't worry ;). I don't make music to impress anyone, if people don't like it, tough shit.

Thanks for the positive feedback.


I agree with below but some exceptions.

This is extreamly simple but sometimes simplicity makes a song good. I'm not saying that this song doesn't need work.. Trust me it does. Its lacking in alot of things here. I'd add some more melody. A background pad or something. but you got a decent start.

Keep it up!


Bobox responds:

I understand what you're saying, the thing is, as I stated above I had to save it as mp3 and call it a day, because I had some other stuff to do. So why did I upload? Well I find that even some simple melodies can be used for something, imagine this with some backgroud sounds, I tried it and it deepens it a lot. As for other instruments?..,well I tried with some pads, but at that time none were very fitting so I canned it and exported the "song". Anyway, thank you for your constructive criticism :)

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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