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Song brings out a happy emotion.

being that the song gives off emotion that alone makes me like it hah. IT makes me wanna go dance in the rain in a circuler pattern holding hand in hand with a chick....ANY TAKERS? LMFAO. Seriously though great use of bass, melody, hell all around music here. Good work.


Father-of-Death responds:

Why, Thank you good sir.

Great concept.

The drums seem to be every where. I'd say EQ this a bit more (some of the instruments are way to loud man and it takes away from the song. The drums especually). Its got some great qualities and i'd love to hear you pull them out to the fullest extent. Keep it up for sure!


Cosmos8942 responds:

The drums are everywhere...but that is mostly due to the fact that the cymbals pop up in bad areas alot. I don't know why I didn't bother going in and cleaning that up...but I still have the original file so maybe I will do just that.

But yes, this song does have its share of problems but I did it as more of a experiment to see what I could do if I pushed myself just a little farther then normal. All in all I would say I didn't do too bad considering I normally lean towards the slower pieces.

Thanks for yet another review my friend,

not bad really.

My only complaint is that you may wanna EQ a bit better. Turn some of the instruments used down so it doesn't overpower alot of the sound. Other then that this song has alot of potential. I enjoy the originality and the actual different direction it goes in. I can also hear the ambience in it. Over all i'd say you did a pretty good job.


Gorgorothx responds:

Thanks, man

here ya go.

This song brings out a lot of emotion and i think thats what people are seeing in it. You did a damn good job with the melody's and beat for sure. Everything just flows. Easy to picture a grave yard on the day of a best friends death or something along those lines to this kinda song. Great work man, truely great work!


C-Enterprise responds:

Thank you very very much ;)


The bass line at the beginning wanted me to sing the teenage muntant ninja turtles theme! Turtles in a half shell! hah.. This doesn't stand out as much as the other ones i've reviewed so much in the beginning as it moves along however it does get into something interesting. However, i still feel there could be more to this to help it flow. Thats just me though. Over all its a decent song!


e991e responds:

Yeah i agree, this is fairly old but is still my most popular song yet. another thing is that i just barely discovered automation clips during the making of this song X).
I'll come out with something good hopefully some time soon
Thanks for the review---thanks for the honest scores too =)

Great use of piano.

Great use of piano and general melody here. The distortion that add's in (The hard drums) kinda takes away from the piano however it does add its own sound so thats not a bad thing. It gives you room to transition into other melodies and such. The Vox in this is rather interesting and helps to tell the story of this song for sure. Over all i'd say you did a pretty good job.


e991e responds:

Thanks for the review!

starts slow but gets catchy!

very nice to listen to after a bit. it starts out kinda slow but i think that add's to the song. You've got a pretty interesting sound here for sure. The bass line comes out in everything for sure. Reminds me a bit of a chrono trigger soundtrack song. None the less great work.


e991e responds:

Thanks for the review!

The below vote was unfair.

First and foremost if the song generates feeling then its a DAMN good song. Just because your grandmother died or you had a family member die do NOT vote low on the song that just makes you a bit of a douche. Sorry about your family member but this song is DAMN good and thats no reason to bring the rating lower. This song concept is brilliant. IT generates feeling and in my opinion thats what music is about.

I do however think i can hear places for improvement. There are spots that need some counter melody. its a bit Simple but thats i guess someof the beauty of this. I'd love to get a hold of the FLP to this and show you what I mean. Anyway, beautiful piano. Great concept. Good work on getting top 30 man.


broove responds:

I got the top 30? Awesome!
I was wondering why the rating was dropping down... 0-arses have found me!

Thank you for the criticism, but this time I didn't want to add anything unnecessary; just the most important things.

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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