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Elfen Lied, a great manga.

I'd say your inspiration was brought on by good things. IF anything you've not let down the inspiration for sure. Wonderful work on this as far as piano goes. As always i'm listening to this as i review, i feel if you added some strings into this that the song would shine a bit more also. Perhaps a soft rock type percussion. However all in all its a good listen. Keep it up for sure!


stefevr responds:

Thanks for your review ^_^
I just made an instrumental version, with strings and percussion, although it's pretty much the same, I didn't want to change it too much, but thanks again ^_^

This has massive potential.

You have a really awesome opening here that could turn into something pretty nicely done if you just use a lil imagination and emotion in this. perhaps add a pan flute for the next part.. or even use this as a leadup to a high synthed burst after this to a traditional trancey beat. =) All in all i'm sure what you do with it will be a good listen.


thatguy669606 responds:

Thanks for the good suggestions. I like the idea of a pan flute a lot! Strangely enough, before I submitted this like I did I had it lead up to a trancy beat, but I felt that it drew away from the ambiance. However, the lead up to a high synth would be really cool. I'll try playing with both suggestions here and hopefully it'll turn out good.
Thanks again!

oh the ambience!

very fun to listen to. I feel the clap is a bit much though. Some of the space sounds also seem to be a bit over the top. However everything else loops and works rather well for what it is. Keep it up!


thatguy669606 responds:

Well thank you for the kind words sir! I gotta say most of the composition was him. This was just something he wrote that I thought could have been a little better with a bassline and some different drums and he was gracious enough to let me change his original. I usually don't write songs like this. Perhaps I should try.

Some goods, some bads.

the good.

Your beat: is pretty rock worthy and gives the song a good back bone to stand agenst.
The rythem: isn't bad at all and has that fight scene feel to it.

Ok, the bad.

Slayer: yah, just...slayer. Find yourself some better guitar vst's from the audio forums trust me that will help big time. Slayer isn't super bad but people get tired of hearing it in music really quick hah.

Lack of instruments: This song would be so much better if it wasn't just guitar, slight bass instrument, and drums. You could make it shine a bit more if you got a lil more imaginitive with it.

All in all thats all i have to say. So keep it up and if you need help finding some vst's and or soundfonts gimme a holla!


Mattyoes responds:

You're good at advice...
I understand the fact that slayer gets incresingly old and I know that lack of instruments is one of my major problems...
When I try to get more instruments into it I can't put the right ones in and get some hideous frankenstien worthy crap that doesn't sound right...
I do need help finding some guitar vst's so PM me with a website or something...
Thanks for all the help

LOL i don't know what to think.

I don't know what to think of this one.. I picture a trouble maker of some sort just playing pranks on people haha it gives off a imagine wich is good but still hmm.. LOL i just wish there was moer to it. Thouuugh the good thing is that it loops great!


Cyberdevil responds:

Let your image run wild, like fire. :P Thanks for the review!

look at you!

Doin your loop thing again! =). I can't say that this is one of your best bro but its a good fight / running a way scene loop i think. I just think you could of put a lil more into this. All in all though its good for what it is! Keep it up buddy!


Cyberdevil responds:

Yeah, not the greatest, but it's a loop, hehe. Will do, thanks for the review!


I think you sent me a listen to this one a while ago when you were first working on it. Trippy indeed. a fun listen so all is well with this track. Keep it up buddy!


Druids-Warcry responds:

thanks, i tryed


Works well for what you were going for andi think thats how it got top five. Congrats and great work on this song!


Randomizor responds:

Thanks. =P

Lovely piano work.

I could hear alot more going into this song though. Its a good song for what it is but I hear room for improvement for sure. All in all its a fun listen so don't think just cuz there's room for improvement that its bad =). Keep it up as always!


durn responds:

:) thanks wyldfyre. my tracks are always missin' a little something. my ears get tired of hearing the same tune over and over again so after a while I just stop working and call it complete. :d

Drum bass and piano!!!

I'd say this is a fun listen. A great remix that still contains the original fun stuff. Fora remix this is defenatly af un listen and a great spin off on an orgiinal song. Keep it up!


Box-Killa responds:

Thank you very much wyld :D

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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