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Some suggestions.

I'd say yes continue making this for sure. It has alot of potential. However i'd compress the sounds a bit so that its not so loud as it is. Also, you may want to rethink the clap (as said below) because it does have a bit of a fake sound to it. Its got a great lead up. I would love to hear a bit more put into this.

Keep it up!


tomashcu responds:

:D yeah the clap is gayii ahhaah didnt you make wyldfyre makes a jap song?

VERY nice.

Just for doing what you did in this i'd say...wow. Freaking amazing stuff here. You and Badman Inc should get together and do some stuff together for sure. This has been added to my fav's and is also been fived. Great work!


wilb0b responds:

hmm never heard of Badman Inc

but thanks you! I may check em out

too shooort!

you suck! lol kidding man yeah its a good start but why the hell post this 11 seconds. just to tease me? YOU FUCK! Add more to it.


Druids-Warcry responds:

i do it to tickle your nuts.... ah BYE!!!!

Sample-less LOL =)

Its got a pretty earie feeling to it almost like i can hear it playing to a silent hill game or something along those lines. All in all its a fun listen and it does give off a lot to the imagination. The beat of course is damn good and i've come to expect nothing less from ya fella's. Keep on it for sure!


haywirehaywire responds:


not a bad twist on a older song.

I'd say you've done something interesting to this for sure. NIce work on the beat. I do feel the beat is a bit too loud however. It should be turned down slightly to give the song a lil more beauty. Another small problem i'm having with this is that i'm not hearing to much new with the melody. I clicked this sort of hoping it wouldn't be 100% same as far as the song melody goes. Other then those two things i'd say this isn't a bad song at all. Congrats on getting top 30 and keep up the music!


Rhyhart responds:

Yea I'm glad I've been getting some positive feedback on this song. I understand where your coming from with the melody thing as well this is one of my oldest songs and I really didn't know how to do much back then. I will definitely edit this song up a lot and make it quite a bit better. Thanks for the feedback glad you liked it!!!

Well looky who got top five ^_~

Hey you big stranger you. Well as always this is some hot shit. I know ya both got some sexy stuff and together well.. Its pretty damn sexy..er?...esque? I don't know either way its some awesome shit. I do hear those spawny drums. All good stuff! Keep it up fella's! I hope to hear more from ya'll!


war-spawn responds:

Stranger? I try to msg you on steam since I'm not on MSN as much anymore. You just ignore me while you play L4D with Sunrie D:

Very nice.

Impressive indeed, lovely use of well.... Everything. I'm enjoying how everything kinda grooves along. I wasn't to big on the opening but the song kinda moved along into something that turned into magic. So all in all i'd say you did a pretty damn good job on this. Faving it =).


durn responds:

Thanks Wyldfyre. :) I wanted to try something a little different with the intro so that the track evolved differently than my others. Glad you liked it. :)


Ok i got a DAMN laugh outta this! hahah Very magical!


MaoDaMighty responds:

Mission accomplished!

Merc strikes again!

Very nicely mixed, nicely put together for sure. As always ya'll did a damn good job on this! haha i wont go on and on about this just to say great work!


mseemercury responds:

fyre where you been? thx bro stay up man

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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