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Its been a while since i've heard this song!

Hmm. I'm not sure exactly about this track. I feel you could of done so much more to this to make it sound a bit more orchistrated (Spelling? =). Anyway its not bad. For the fact that its been a while since i've heard this song from a very awesome, awesome game i'll give you that 7 =) Keep it up!


SoulRed12 responds:

Hey thanks for the review! I appreciate it.

Anyways, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by making it a bit more orchestrated...and also I wanted to keep the "erratic" feeling of the song, so that's why it came out this way. ^_^ But nevertheless, thanks for giving your suggestions!


LOVELY use of strings, very wonderful song to listen to for sure. Gives alot to the imagination. A very lovely ambient track for sure. Reminds me of a paradise long forgotten. Green vast jungles, ruins of people who once knew this place however are now long gone. A wonderful listen. I'll be adding this to my fav's =)


SolusLunes responds:

I was thinking almost the exact opposite- the vastness of space. This song has stuck with me ever since the intro to Homeworld. :D

You know.

I get this feeling when listening to this that someones lost at sea. Perhaps lost their loved one to a ship wreck. Lovely use of the imagination to this track. Very wonderful use of piano. Doesn't get old. I'd love to hear some strings in this but i really do think the simplicity in this is what keeps it beautiful. Wonderful work!


Jabicho responds:

Thanks for sharing that great scene, and thanks so much for listening! glad you liked it.

This is chill.

This makes me want to grab a beer, sit right back and get a blow job or something =P. LOL seriously though i can picture a group of people just sitting back drinking to this or something. Its an interesting sound for sure. The strange bass that starts at one point i can't say i'm a huge fan of however it adds to the songs beauty so =).. Keep it up!


haywirehaywire responds:


I don't know why but..

Listening to this i wanna scream out " GO GO POWER RANGERS" at the opening.. and then it goes into the changing. I can't say i'm a huge fan of how random this is but for the most part its interesting. Insane, but interesting!


Tistfree responds:

Stfu fag, really.

Its not bad.

First of all you need to check your highs, some of this is ear piercing (Spelling?) and you may wanna work on your volume level for that kinda stuff. Also the transitional work in this needs a lil more work done to it as said below me. Its a great concept for sure it just needs a lil more love! All in all just keep on it!


SACIEL responds:

Thanks for your review man! Ill make sure for future projects to double check my levels!

Good concept.. I hear flaws however.

First and formost the song is distorted. I suggest adding compressing it a little. The piano was rather nice to listen to however it is just way to simple. You need to add more instrumentation to this. Perhaps some strings, a tempani, heck lots of potential none the less. Keep on it.


DJ-EndlessBlaze responds:

Are you talking about the double hit on most of the notes? Thats not distortion i just thought it sounded better that way :| But if it is distorted tell me how then ill work on it and make this song better.

Its like

A drug trip within a drug trip lol. you could totally do more to this and make it much better then it is (because its soooo damn short) anyway man happy B day and keep it up!


Druids-Warcry responds:

awww thanks Don i <3 your jew hole

There is much anger within you.

Come back from the dark side! Together we will rule this NG as father and son..or er...Wyldfyre and Wyze. Haha, Its some interesting stuff, i feel that the actual song mix could of been better. All in all though the lyrics and vox turned out to be pretty decent. Keep on it!


Blasphem-E responds:

Lol, lots of anger in deed. But why would I leave the dark side? I like the cookies here.

nice nice.

Well i'd say this is a pretty good voice acting skit =) As always bro you never fail to entertain me with that voice magic =) Keep it up!
(gonna keep it short and sweet)


FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Haha you and your crazy 8's in reviewing. Thanks bro ;)

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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