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Reminds me of a Kingdom hearts / Final fantasy mix

I'd say you did a pretty good job on this. The mastering sounds great, the medley's sound good. Everything is a great listen on the ears. It reminds me alot of a kingdom hearts, final fantasy mix. All in all good work buddy!


Zero123Music responds:

hey thanks alot for the 9 :D

mastering is a thing I'm new to so I'm glad it's okay^^

its not baad but.

Its really kinda over done. Or rather, this song is over done a LOT wich really takes away from the score in my personal opinion to be honost. However its nicely mixed and i'd say you did a pretty decent job on making it sound good. So for that good work! Keep it up!


Unrl responds:

Fair point, point taken. Thanks for reviewing anyways mate!

Very interesting.

The opening is a bit slow but thats not a bad thing it kinda leads into that cool piano chorded part and the song picks up slowly after that. Its not as crazy as i'd expect due to the name though i suppose thats not a bad thing either. Got a cool rythem to it for sure. I can't say however that i can get into this fully. At one point it felt like it led up to another lead up lol. The beat came in and thats pretty nice wich adds to the song a lot. The piano comes in again and brings the beauty back into this. Well done with that. All in all its a good song and i feel it belongs here on the top five. So good work buddy!


Tilkanuts responds:

Wyldfyre! Hahaha! Thanks for reviewing man! ^_^
Yeah man, that is a little something me and Rwert really have to talk about, is less lead in's and more music and various melodies and what not. I can't fully get into it either depending on my mood. It's an honor to hear that this does belong in the top 5, especially from a very popular artist here on newgrounds. I truly appreciate that. Some people may not know it, and I know we've still got a lot to learn, but it sometimes hurts our confidence whenever we get those bad reviews and what not :( But at the same time, when we get comments like this one, from someone of high stature here, it truly builds our confidence and makes us wanna get better, wanna produce more.

Thanks for reviewing. We both appreciate it.

- Tilky

Pretty nice.

Songs pretty decently mixed. Its a pretty fun listen. Reminds me a little of a castlevania song. Anyway i can't leave to long a review i got tons of things to do today so all in all good work.


Box-Killa responds:

No worries :D Damn castlevania is so hard. Thanks for the review! :D

Sounds like something i've done.

Pretty freaking scary. Reminds me of some of the stuff i've done in the past for some projects that NEVER made it out haha. Anyway all in all you did the right thing because this is pretty freaky ^_~. Keep it up.


rednikaiaG responds:

Really Wyld------?
You should send me a linky doo! I'd love to hear it! Or are you referring to some inside joke betwixt you and Bad-Man which I am totally oblivious to? (I always told ya, I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box.) Why didn't the clips you do, make it out?
Oh, ok, I see what you're doing here. This IS some reference to Bad Man huh? I see, he's had you record things before but never actually released the song afterwards? Hmmm. Sad, really.

Thanx for following through on my cheap summon to get you here and beg for a review. It means alot coming from you. I value your work as a musician, a voice actor (Ok, or a vent shit talker, either way, Ha!) AND as a friend. A neglected friend, but a friend, none the less. I've missed our time on MSN, Man. I miss being able to use those super "cool" icons I stole from you as well. There aren't MANY pee pole I can use those with. Know what I mean? Heh heh heh Sorry I've been the shittiest MSN Bud ever. Life sometimes gets in the way. Plus, I'm all over the place in my mind. Overall, I suck. The End. Hope to chat wiff ye soon, Sire. Until then. . .

.............Take care, be good and please send me some links, if you would.period


Now i know how te talk like eh pirate...ARRRRRRRG!! LOL this was entertaining! good work!


traintrack6 responds:

thanks. always glad to be a help : P

Not bad for your first try.

The beats alright the biggest complaint i have about this is the slayer.. Soooooo generic sounding it almost hurts the head. The beat however is the redeaming quality in this song that assists me to listen to it. The slayer (Guitar sound) needs work for sure. All in all keep it up!


DjCoast responds:

lol yeah im still a beginner with slayer soo im still working with the sound
sorry for that and thnx for the help ^^


Please please turn it down some.

The opening guitar instrument is WAY to loud. As the song moves on it turns out all the instruments but the drums are way to loud. This is a damn good song and the covor you did would be great if it didn't give me a headache because of the lenght (and i'm not saying that to be a dick it DID give me a headache). So Mix this slightly better please if you can. If not then keep on it anyway.


Raigon50 responds:

sorry, It's a mistake on my behalf. I thoght I just had my speakers turned up loud. I guess it was actually the song that was loud.... I'll go fix the problem rught now.

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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