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not bad at all.

Only complaint to this would be the fact that this could sound much more pro. Other then that good work. love the guitar concept in this.


Drumurboy responds:

Fair enough considering im not a pro by any means lol

love doesn't exist man

LOL Its just a good reason to have sex. Anyway, yah good stuff. Sorry i'm not really up to reviewing so this is what you get for now..

Much luv..

Druids-Warcry responds:

awww you missed the joke! god Wyld!


Its almost like the game in a 5 minute song. Its got a very interesting sound, I can't say i like it competely because it feels like its missing something here and there however you did put alot of work in this and its obvious! Great work none the less!


JakesFable responds:

Yeah I'd say about a good months work and it yeah it could of used a few tweaks, But anyways thanks alot for the review ;)

Hmm i'd say.

its not bad at all but as you said the quality does need work. Other then all that it does sound pretty cool. I figured its been a while since i reviewed ya. As always, keep it up!


JakesFable responds:

Yeah soon I'll be making more and upgrading soon, Thanks alot for the review ;)

Color me impressed.

i agree a little bit with chrona about the guitar on the right. I'd say center it and that problem should be fixed. The Lyrics are pretty nice. I can see this playing on a cheesy anime or something man. Good job for sure doing this song. Has a 80's feel to it with a bit of a now adays feel. Over all you've done a damn good job. The vocals are great for sure.

Keep it up!


GlueR responds:

You probably mean the hammond, too. Well, the hammond is made to be balanced with the guitar on the left. I might had to send it a bit back on the mix, as it might be overshadowing the guitar, instead of complimenting it. I'll see what I can do...

I really love the fact that our effort to give this a nowadays feel to the song came through! This was the main goal when doing this!

Many thanks for the review and your nice words!

This turns me on!

You pounded him into the ground like a 2 dolla hooker! LMFAO. Great shit here man! lovely flow. your actual skills have increased big time.


Blasphem-E responds:

ROFL. Epic review is epic.

haha, ok ok.

For the damn chocobo sound you made in this you get props man. All the things you said about FF7 i gotta give you props for that also. The dork gamer in me is screaming wow. Anyway, being cool with spawn i can't really say i'm about all that is said here and i'm not big on the whole hate tracks or what ever but thats your thing i guess. Anyway man. Do what you do.


Lejin responds:

Wyld its fine lol. Enjoy yourself its newgrounds. No ones gonna get shot or stabbed...unless they come outside XD

I understand your side situation perfectly its fine really man.

oh wow.

Ok, anyone who can take an old song like this and do ...well.. THIS TO IT has alot of imagination and deserves a bit of credit. Here you go my friend! Much luv!


CyprusX responds:

Luv is appreciated , thank you.

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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