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earned my five.

My only complaint would be the opening man. It doesn't feel like it fits in with the actual song for some reason with me. Everything else flows pretty well. I'd say you've chose some great instrumentation in this. I think a bit of piano in this would deffenatly add to some of the mystic sound that this has. over all man a very sexy track! what i've come to expect from ya!


InGenius responds:

Yeah, that siren intro was an afterthought, I added it near the mixdown point. Originally it was not in there. I will rethink it when I get to the full-on mixdown and mastering. As for piano, I didn't even think about that, but I could definitely look into it. We all know I love pianos. Appreciate the review.


very sexy.

a bit slow but has an awesome sound to it for sure. Oohh i hear a flute in here and its doing good things with my mind! Truely lovely stuff man! One of the best things about NG music is listening to artists grow into their sounds and such and i'm seeing that with you for sure! Keep it up!


Blasphem-E responds:

thanks man. And ya for sure, I definitely think I've improved vastly in the last few months. Thanks for helping me out thus far.

well hmm..

It is one of those songs that is remixed a bit here on NG. I'd say i'd agree something is missing. One of my biggest problems with this is the instrumentation.. You chose some horrid instruments for this for sure. I wish i could say that i liked it but i can't man. I feel it just needs more work. None the less keep it up!


DragonsoulX responds:

lol, well at least someone agrees with me that something is missing. Hmm i'll have to check up on a few things, and i will change the instruments for sure. but at least on here, i'll get the feedback i need to improve on this song.

Love it.

I've always been a big fan of ambeint music and this is what ambeince is to the core for sure. Great work on this track and a great listen. Keep it up!


Semaphore responds:

thank you very much =) maybe you want to listen to D o W a L Reaching Stars

love the flow of this.

Everything kinda flows well with this. Its a really chill sounding song for sure. Keep it up man!


Blasphem-E responds:

Thanks man. Mark my words, I will get that Wyldfyre1 9 and then eventually the 10 lol. Thanks for the review.

damn sexy man!

Dude, damn good stuff here. Loved the original song LOVE the vocals to it. Nice work over all! here you go with a short review!


HeLLsGaUrDiAn responds:

Thanks man, this song is long overdue and we have some more stuff coming.

sexy stuff as usual.

I absolutely love the piano and how everything kinda moves together. I'm really at a loss for words but all i can say is great work on this man!


InGenius responds:

I am honored, really. Getting a 9 from a Wyld review is like being approached by Bill Gates with an offer to buy your company for 100 times what it's worth because it poses a threat to Windows. Well, maybe not quite, but it's almost! No, really, thank you, I did work on that piano section the longest in this getting the fx on it right, the arp'ed piece in line with the rest of the composition, etc. Appreciate the review.



Its got a really cool sound. I think it just needs a lil more diversity in the actual song. The repetitiveness kinda takes away from the beauty however its a pretty nice sounding song for what it is! Keep it up!


Blasphem-E responds:

Ya, I got probably use to change it up a bit. It was originally conceived as a beat, but I suppose even then it needs more. Thanks for the review!

Ahh man not another hip hop song!!! LOL

Damn you NG People and your dumb ass hip hop!! Ok, ok. I'm kidding haha i actually like all types of music. I'd say this works for what you were going for. Would love to hear some one add some lyrics to this. Its got a pretty earie sound to it. If anything i'd say it needs a lil more EQ work but over all good stuff.


Darkmummy responds:

Thanks for the review!

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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