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nice on the ears.

Its got a great original sound to it. Has that RPG type of battle loop sound to it. I'd say make it longer and make it a song because its not bad at all. None the less keep it up!


mattuiop responds:

yeh i was gonna make it into a song actually, ive compoed loads more

keep checking back!!

about below.

I think the person below me is trying to tell you that its a bit loud an dstrong for a funeral Hymn. I can see it being one if it wasn't so beat.. LOL see what i see to this is a bunch of zombie's break dancing (almost like a stranger type of thriller video) or raving to this song. Its hard to say this song could relate to a hymn. I see where were going with it especually with the beginning piano. However it went a whole other direction for sure. That does NOT make it bad.. just not what you were saying.

Either way, keep it up!


SessileNomad responds:

thanks for the review

i tried me best, guess is still didnt make it through

thanks though

Very nice.

I'm sure the zero bombers love you to man haha. Anyway, I'd like to point out that this track does work with its name. Lovely work on that alone. The music does sound like a dream state.Very nice to listen to for sure. Great work! Good EQ, good instrumentation. I feel a piano (just my style i guess) main melody added in would be nice buuuuut heh it works as is.


Dreamhard responds:

Thanks alot :) It's good to know that there are actually nice, genuine people like yourself on here, who judge fairly :):):)

I'll muck around with more pianos and see what i get. thanks x

Power and pain eh?

Power and pain are two very expressive words with alot of meaning behind them so when you write a song with the title it has alot of high expectations. I must say that this song didn't live up to what i was hoping to hear however that does not mean in any way its bad. Instead of power and pain i get a more stoner/running from the cops feel to this song. Its a bit repetitive but thats not bad in this case. The drums and guitar are nice to listen to.

Great work.


VincentVardia responds:

Thanks i will probably change the name after a while... seems to be a habit of mine until i find something that sits right. I agree fully that the words power and pain are strong and it was to attract people like you (yeh i know sad).

Since i and my team have gotten a new drummer he's been adding well a pleasent touch to the songs. I owe this song actually to our new drummer.

After we have written the Lead's solo properly the song will be properly named and resubmitted until then i'm glad something in this song was pleasent to listen to.

Thanks for the review and check out some other songs in my collection you might add the little details i need.

Heavy strings and bass

The strings and bass work together pretty nicely. I like the way you've melded the melodies in this. Can't say to much more being that this isn't finished. So keep it up!


jkrox4eva responds:

thanks wyldfyre! you always give good reviews =]


not suprised.

Not at all suprised this is on the top five. By that i mean its yet another great song from ya. Great work man as always keep putting the good tracks out.


MaestroRage responds:

I'll keep trying, thanks wyldfyre! Thanks again for the review, glad you liked it!

Great stuff!

Love the damn blues-ee sound in this. It makes me wanna go out to the boonies and kill a dudes family so he can feel the blues.. Not really though.

Great work on this track!


TwilightNecrosis responds:

Thanks man, I appreciate the review and stunning mental image!

a sad spiral.

what this song reminds me of.

I sit here in the dark... Alone. I've lost everything. My job, my wife. Everything i touch turns to shit. I just got kicked out of the local bar. I sit here on the side of the street wondering where i went wrong. Where did I go wrong? Did i do something to deserve this emptyness? That i'm not sure. All i can say is that i've hit rock bottom.

There ya go. A story that this gives me in my minds eye.

Much luv!


GameMakerThomas responds:

That was my intention when I wrote the song. Darkness. Loneliness.

its not bad.

I think its just missing something all together. I can't say what off the top of my head (and trust me i've listened to this for a bit before i figured out what felt strange to me about this) Its got a pretty happy sound but at the same time it reminds me of a sigh of releif. hmm.. Not bad what so ever keep it up!


FairSquare responds:

Maybe i know what you're missing. A stronger bassline?
I just listened this again and i realized that i should add a stronger bassline.
Thanks for the review!



Very well put together. Now this song tells MANY stories. it gives true emotion with it. All that time it took you to master this was much worth it. Great work on this track not only am i giving it a 10 but i'm adding it to my fav's. Wonderful work!
My hats off to you my friend.


popraz responds:

Thank you so much !

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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