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Yet another great Maestro Rage song.

Great sound. wonderful flow. instruments are rather nicely put together. Basicly what i've come to expect from you. Complaint however is that its to short and for some reason it doesn't seem to loop right on my end.. Hmm.. Anyway over all great work on this short track.


MaestroRage responds:

it's difficult to make long tracks with flash projects that require multiple songs. File size just becomes too big an issue sadly so I aimed to keep each of these epic loops to about a minute. I also noticed that sometimes the player will loop awkwardly, but for the most part it seemed to do okay on my end.

Thanks for the review, glad you liked it!

Pretty sexy.

yet another sexy collab i'd say. Pretty good stuff. Love the piano in this song everything does flow rather nicely. Great stuff man as usual keep it up as usual!


Druids-Warcry responds:

thank you Wyld means a lot man, the piano that would be the sexy, Jesse v. we all come to know and love as F-777...7, 7, er 777777 ah 7

Holy fuck me batman

yet another one of our funny ass convo's posted.


NUGV-Audio responds:

yeah man, we should have recording lastnights one on how i became pope of the world!!!!

very nice

Its got a great flow and a wonderful over all sound. Love the piano like usual. Dude keep on this one for sure! Has that good old Techno sound that made me enjoy techno to begin with.

Much luv


Manhart responds:

Thanks yet again :)
I will change a few things to make it even better as soon I get back home.


I don't know i picture like a mind trip to this song or something. Again has that fight song feel to it. Hmm.. The beats pretty nice to listen to. the bass is almost everywhere but i'm sure thats a norm with these types of songs so. Its not a bad song at all. Keep on it for sure.


tijnn responds:

Hahaha yeah thanks, Trippy was the main idea. x]

almost spooky.

It has a relaxing and almost spooky sound to it. Another drum and bass wich is kinda cool with an ambient feel from here and there in the song. It has some cool points in the song for sure. I couldn't really say what to improve on in this song however it sounds pretty decent. Keep on it.


tijnn responds:

Thanks alot! (:

Well it does have that dark feeling to it.

Some of the instruments are a bit to loud for my tastes. Though it does have that cool dark feeling to it. Possibly a fight song sound or something along those lines. Feels a little hallow and that it needs more. Other then that its not that bad at all. Keep on it!


tijnn responds:

Hmm alright, it wasn't filled with all kinds of stuff on purpose and it was my intention to keep it dark and hard, but ah well, not everyone likes that as goes to show ;)

Holy hell.

Beautiful track. Really caught me off a bit. Love the choir and how everything fell into place. This will sound great in a RPG or any other type of game for that matter.. If i have any problem its that there's lack of drums in the majority of the track and is a bit short. However it doesn't take away from how epic this sounds so over all good work


DJ-OverLord responds:

Thnx very much!:D
As I already said, I'm gonna update this track in a while;)

Very very dark

But it makes the song rather nice! Very classical and great! Really all i can say. Keep it up as usual man! We gotta do the boy band project LMFAO


MaestroRage responds:

okay, you be the boy, i'll be the band! Together... we'll destroy N-Sync! DESTROY DEM I SAY!

Thanks for the review, i'm glad you liked it!

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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