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Its not bad.

I think the only problem i have with this is that it sounds like you just took a midi changed the sounds and added no melodies of your own. (and if you did that then shaaame shaaaame lol) Though i would say that you did pretty decently with the effects though i'd of used a bit more reverb. The only reason i'm not giving you anything higher then a 5 is its just not original. I'd of loved to hear you add some really really cool melodies with the original beautiful melodies =) Anyway keep on it!


DJ-HappyFace responds:

Fair enough, it was a MIDI, but after 1:04 I did some stuff on my own, there was no harmony, so I custom worte that part, but as for originality, that's where I lack. I could write a solo, but it would not be good lol....

Anway, thanks for the feedback and criticism :)

loooots of reverb

I think you have a great concept here however the reverb was WAY to much. May of wanted to turn it down a bit. Other then that its not a bad idea. the piano extra in there was pretty cool. The bassy sound you used later on in the song kinda took out the cool Orchestral sound and did add taht break beat sound.. I don't know heh i can't say i liked it for sure. It just needed some more EQ'ing in my opinion. Over all though keep it up!


1nf1ltr8or responds:

With the speakers that I'm using, it's a little difficult to tell how much is too much on reverberation. Listening to this track all the way through a few times now, I'm starting to now hear how much the reverb wave starts to overpower the clarity. Thanks for pointing that out!

Actually, I thought I used too much EQ because if I used any more, the bass notes would have been cancelled through the filtering of certain pitches so as not to break the sound barrier before it distorts. But, equalizing is an art in itself and is still something I'm battling to perfect even after 12 years of music production. Thanks for the feedback!

wonderful work.

Great halloween song. freaky as all hell hahah Sorry I can't leave a longer review.. Work is calling and i have a halloween scare fest tonight mwuahahahhaha much luv brutha!


Aydin-Jewelz123 responds:

lol, hope you had a good one, thanks for the review :)

Damnit man!


are you serious man? If you need vox man TELL ME! i'll give you something ORIGINAL and not be doofy about it hahah. Don't put crappy vox in a good song!

Good stuff. Stay sexy


F-777 responds:

Ah you will get over it man it sounds just fine! >=).

Haha thanks for the review man!

Its like...

Its like megaman shat on my NES game system.... And not just shat but buck shot all over it. HAHAH nah really for an 8 bit its not all that bad. I'm not gonna let my feelings on chip tunes ruin a perfectly decent track! Keep it up!


Telliath responds:

haha :) thanks for th review. :)


actually you can find the instrumental if you just look on yahoo. The NUG vent people were actually thinking about putting together a funny skit with this song but it ended up being 86'd cuz it just wouldn't of worked. yah, look it up on yahoo or something I'm sure you'll find it.

This was funny for sure.


Conal responds:

Thankyou :)


not a bad concept.

however if your going to use a drum and make it pass for real you'll probably want to you know...make it realistic. I don't think a drummer do the hits you added here unless he had about 5 arms hah. none the less i get the concept you just need a lil more work.


dondrummer responds:

this was just something i did to make me not bored, ididnt succeed but i understand what ure saying but this was just 4 fun.


Freaking headbanging goodness here.. I just wanna go out and thrash now man.. Freaking beautiful stuff. I think it needs vocals though for sure. For as simple as it is i think you hit something right on the head! Keep it up!


cowdog2 responds:

actually...i intentionally made this song for someone to sing too. Hopefully she'll be interested. I don't know 100% though if shes gonna follow through.

Sounds like something..

Sounds like something you'd hear in a video game in a peaceful scene on the beach or something along those lines. Wonderful to listen to i think you cought alot of emotion in this track. Very happy sounding. Great work!


PoisonSky responds:

Thanks :D


Another one of your great tracks man! Love the sound of what you did to this. Gives off a story and works freaking perfectly. Wonderful work on this. I'm about speachless.


S3C responds:

thanks :D

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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