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Deffenatly can tell.

Can tell you rushed it however for a redo of the song i'd say you did an alright job. Sounds to me that you may of added a few of your own personal touches to this so that helps if so. The only reason this is getting a lower score (well 2 reasons) is that its not an original track and two it needs a bit more EQ work. Other then that its not bad at all. Keep on the music!

Much luv!


blackattackbitch responds:

Thanks man. I usually don't use EQs actually, so I'll test one out next song and see what it sounds like. And I wanted to make clear that it wasn't an original track. I have plenty of those already uploaded. Oh well, I just got tired of it after a little while, so I just wanted it done.

hmm.... You know what? It works.

Its got a very complex yet simple feel to it. Its easy to enjoy i'd say. the flute with the effects really does help. The other instruments and sounds in the background work rather nicely together. This has one of those Spaced out on drugs feels to it or even a peace of the soul for a monk.. None the less great work!

and stop drinking that weed tea! ^_~.


DooganFreebish responds:

Thanks for the positive feedback. It's always fun to hear what other people hear in the songs I make like this. It's never the same from person to person.

This should get you laid! LMFAO

Seriously though, a great relaxing track. I'd of changed a few things up (like progression up) but this screams one of your styles so it works man! Deffenatly has that " I heart you " feel to it! up till about ouch, the hard strings you added at 124 a lil to hard man.. Kinda ruins the relaxed feeling of the song. It calms back down a bit later on during the song however i think that the relaxed feel is where you wanted to stay for this. However it works for your style.

Keep it up


Telliath responds:

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

- Love,

Your lover. <3

alright i'm in.

haha i'l try to get something done to this.

PARANATION responds:

Thanks my friend ^_^


I'd say this works.

You've done a pretty great job through out this song. The Flow works wonderfully. IT has some great rythem's and melodies. Does deserve a 9 for sure! Love the sound and it has that great hip hop sound. Keep it up for sure!


flashmac responds:

Thanks for the review wyldfyre

Epic. Freaking Epic.

The strings are damn great. The Flows of the rhymes freaking rock.. I can't think of anything i don't like in this. I have to say that this is deffenatly top 5 quality. Lovely, lovely stuff.


mseemercury responds:

thx wyld

not bad at all =)

has a really cool robotic sound to it. Love the way everything mixes and flows together. Its not bad at all. Very sexy melodies and such. Hmm.. Great work on this for sure!


Aydin-Jewelz123 responds:

cheers mate, ye i will get it all done by next week hopefully :)

has that halloween sound for sure.

lol. Has that funky scary halloween sound in it. Though i can't say i really like it much i think it sounds like its missing effects mostly through the song. some of the melody is pretty cool but it does get repetitive to the point where you wish it would switch up some. Over all the beat is pretty cool and works out. I'd say you did a pretty decent job with this track.


Darren-M responds:

great! i was going from a Halloween perspective so im happy you think i captured that. i totally agree that there should be more effects, but to be honest i with i could have more but my cpu kinda limits my boundaries sometimes, but it helped to know that it wasnt over done! thank you for the review

its not bad.

I like the originality. Its not a bad loop at all it has a pretty cool sound to it i just think it needs more instruments and melodies in it here and there.. Other then that its a great sound.


djmixerman responds:

Thanks!!! Its just a start. More work will be put into it later.

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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