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its like the dude thats talking inhailed helium or some shit like that..ITs funny as hell to listen to him talk all serious and have that pitched voice.. Anyway not to bad of a song. Not the greatest but not bad either keep it up!


Telliath responds:

ood thing you chose the 8. I warned you. Anything lower and you'd get head. You'd get blown... off :)

its not bad.

I'd say put more then what time you put into this. Its not bad but it could be freaking awesome if you just worked on it some more and maybe did some mastering here and there.. He vocals are nice but they are repetitive to an extent. Anyway, over all good work and keep on it!


Rave4Yourself responds:

Thanks man.

Glad you liked it and understood the dealio lol

I dunna I might work on it more :O

very nice to listen to.

and it does sound like something you'd hear in credits. As always man great work. I know this isn't much of a review hahah just well...Doing 1 hundred things at once. As always keep on it and stay sexy LMFAO.


Rig responds:

I'll try! Thanks for the review! :D


TO DAMN FUNNY i can't stop laughing man seriously...holy hell. ...I really don't even know what to say. its so random its great.


Gillenium responds:

Hahaha, I don't often feel like making joke songs, and it's kinda weird that I felt like making one about a pretty horrible situation. It was fun to make, though, and actually really helped me to feel better, especially after reading reviews like this. Thanks!

i wouldn't say its your best man.

Though its not totally bad either. You should probably work on it a bit more for sure man. Keep on it for sure!


Spikrodd responds:

lol. im just putting it here because spawn did is rap and i thought it was only fair to put the original beat up

Very simple but

it does have that space sound to it. Vast and crazy. haha Not bad at all! Keep it up!


paavi0 responds:

Thank you. ^^

not bad for a first beat.

Though, i got to say it wasn't that great either. It does need some mastering and EQ work done on it for sure. Very repetitive. needs more instruments. but for a first beat you didn't do all that bad. Keep it up!


Blasphem-E responds:

Thanks man. Ya, I experimented with a few other instruments, but couldn't really find any that I liked for this beat. But you better believe once I know what I'm doing I'll be remaking this one.
Thanks for the encouragement

It has a classic rock feel.

I love the piano! The piano is sexy. I think that the drums give it a classic rock feel to it. You could use a harder hitting drums and maybe some cymbol crashes here and there but other then that its a damn good song. going on my Fav's.


Manhart responds:

I will add much more to it now. It was actually just a demo, but I have just made a new and more improved version. It is still short though :P
Check it out.

very nice bro!

Nice use of strings, lovely piano. Everything flows wonderfully very nice sounding song over all haha tired as hell thanks to work man or this would be alot longer. I still have to work on the sexyness that will be our collab!


InGenius responds:

Yes, you must finish the sexy collab...but don't rush. No pressure. As for the strings, I think the cello is a bit too dry and not panned hard enough left, so I am busy fixing that in vers. 3 before the final mixdown, as well as some minor issues. Vers. has all the changeups that this one lacked as it is a rough mixdown and EQ'd better. Check that one out when you have the chance. Thanks for the review.


I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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