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Congrats on top five but uh.

This really really isn't all that good as far as everything goes the song was everywhere. I'm hearing a LOT of presets and really generally over all crazyness. I'm not sure it belongs on the top five however good work on getting top five. Keep on the music stuff!


Fredgy responds:

you've taken a look at my comment? It says, my 3th song, remind that,..


Has a cool sound.

Though its over modulated a bit and that takes away from the pro quality that this could have. Over all its got a good sound! Keep on it for sure!


e991e responds:

yeah, i tried to make the kick a little too hardcore and it just sounded bad.
thanks for the review

Hmm needs some tweaking

but it has a great quality to it for sure! Some of the sounds are pretty cool. Not sure i'm enjoying the slayer as much as i do the piano! The piano is damn good! either way as always keep on it!!! contact me if ya need any help or anything!


SkatingIsGenetic responds:

Thanks, I really like the piano in this song as well.

The slayer I had been skeptical about before, I like the idea of a guitar doing it, but not slayer.

I might finish this or add some stuff to it because I really like the piano on this.

I have another song like this as well. One where I really like the piano progression I use in it, but everything else, or certain aspects of the song that it is in, don't sit well with me at all.

Ah well..We'll see what happens!

Thanks for reviewing, and trust I'll come to you when I'm in need! =)

Ok man,

you've seriously stepped it up big time for this man. I'm hearing some familure sound fonts and such in this. I'm liking the actual rythem and how things flow. However i think you can improve upon this even more by adding some more melodys adding to the main melody. Great stuff my friend! Keep it up for sure!


Druids-Warcry responds:

Yeah thanks man! really it means a lot to me.

Yeah i used the SF to map this song but all Sounds, Synthesizers, and Instruments
i posted in my comment. I think it is one of my betters, and yeah i can improve on this one much much more!!!! if i can find my FLP, my computer broke on me when we played Combat arms, this is strike two (lemons and reseting defalts) xD tell Sun hes a dick! my computer will be back up in a few days, for this short time being


Melody overload. haha yeah you should hear the next one im putting out!


very different from what i'm used to you making its not bad hehe just needs work like usual. Deffenatly keep on it!


Frostvind666 responds:

Yeah I know that it´s not my usaul style but still experiments can go right sometimes at least...
But I´m thinking to maybe developing this track into a longer piece...

yes yes!

Rocking my brains out man! I still say we need to make a boy band! LMFAO. Keep on it Bad man!


Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

I guess I couldn't join your "boy" band. I'm a fucking old fart that makes music for fun. :D
Thanks for the review, dude. Glad you dig. METAL TO THE CORE\m/

VERY beautiful track here.

Everything flows. Love the actual piano in this. The vocals sound damn good. Everything just works greatly in this track. yah, this is going on my fav's. Wonderful work!


Equation responds:

Thanks you

its not bad at all.

I can't say i can totally get into this but i'm not going to let my attitude towards this type of music get in the way of the review because generally this is a nicely put together song. The vocals could of used a lil work (just sounded off key here and there) other then that damn good work on this track and keep on it!


HyruleanHyroe responds:

Well thank you! Objective reviews are the best ones, so many props to you for setting aside any biases to give a courteous, professional review. You = rockin.

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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