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Not a bad sound

it works for what you were going for however there's just not much to it.. Maybe thats the beauty of it though.. it is rather ambient. Good work over all man! Keep it up!


tijnn responds:

It was my intention to keep it subtile since it's meant to be for a flash movie, it more or less is environment ambient.

Very interesting.

I could see this being used in a multitude of scenes of any type. Great stuff for sure. I like the drums of course though i'm not sure i'm feeling the bass to much it could just be me though! none the less the song does go well together and i'd say you did a damn good job on this. 8 Worthy for sure! Great but not mind blowing (on my scale others may disagree) Keep it up for sure my friend.


Nav responds:

Thanks! :D

not bad.

Great idea for a song however you need to turn down the instruments some. Over all its great just hurts the ears some. The instruments chosen are pretty nice. Especually that pretty bad ass guitar sounding instrument (uh a guitar? hehe) either way keep on it!


teddy-bear responds:

Sorry about the volume, I'll work on that next time. About the guitar, I really felt it was the only instrument that sounded go doubling the piano, so since you liked it, I've done a good job. Thanks.

Oh, wow.

This song gives off so much emotion its freaking beautiful. It has a few sour notes in it however listening to it further it doesn't matter it just adds to the beauty! KEEP ON STUFF LIKE THIS! SERIOUSLY!

Lovely work


teddy-bear responds:

Thanks, I really like writing slower songs, and when i do it well, it makes the emotion so much sweeter.


The piano really shows great promise in this song.. The bass sound however i think needs work a bit.. The counter melody to the original piano really does sound good and you've done a pretty good job on that. As i listen however i will go with my original word with the bass needs to be changed. its the instrument takes away from some of the beauty of the song. Everything does flow rather nicely however when the song actually gets on track. Drums are nice but i feel they could use a bit more effect added to them. The bell sound you added really makes the song shine. Great work over all and keep on it!


DarkLink2000 responds:

Thank you so much for your feedback! Oh, it's so nice to have someone actually say something to me. And I completely agree. I've been fidgeting with the bass all day and didn't manage to get it quite right. If I go back and redo this song, that's my numero uno priority.

to your earlier question ^_~

oh, it takes something mind blowing to get a 10 out of me. I'm known i guess for my 8's lol because i give an 8 where most other people would give a 10. good music i'm just picky i suppose.. Now for this song.. The actual melody is damn hard hitting and the more i listen to i the more i think it deserves a 9. Great work. The vocal clips worked well in it as well didn't sound out of place and what not like some of them do here on NG. Great work on this. It does get a tad bit repetitive however thats not a bad thing in this case. Lovely drums, Over all a great track! Keep it up my friend!


Ethalyn responds:

Thanks =] YOU WILL GIVE MY NEXT SONG A TEN! GRRRRRRRRRRRR! =D i hope i will manage to pull that ten out of you ^_^

This song.

Just makes me wanna go out and KICK A BABY! Yes, i said kick a baby in the face.. and then scream at it going "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWK" hahaha. Very fun to listen to. Great work to both o ya! Now its time to do the boy band!


Druids-Warcry responds:

oh yeah!

boy band!, i want to be the shy guy or the closed fag


Its not really bad man but being honost with you its kinda everywhere. There's no set melody or anything. The bass is a pretty nice touch. I don't even think i hear very many effects done to this with the exception of maybe the drums wich i hear a reverb. Hmm... Over all its ok Keep on it man for sure!


Telliath responds:

I'll explain this one to you another time hahaha

Trancing it up!

Seems a bit hard to me but i'm not one to judge man its pretty cool to listen to I actually can see a chase scene being done to this between ninja's or something. hehe Sorry this reviews a bit short but over all great work!


Ethalyn responds:

Thanks ;-) what does it take to get a 10 from u?

yeah i gotta admit LOL

hearing me say "Sexy" over and over again does start to annoy even me.. hahah Maybe use the voice clip less. Over all its got a cool sound.


Telliath responds:

Lol k :)

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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