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Very lovely.

The strings are what captivates me the most in this song. The drum track is rather nice to listen to. Really brings out the beauty of this track. It sounds very much like a over world map song for a RPG of course i'm sure you hear that alot. Great work on this track and defefnatly keep it up!


KTRECORDS responds:

I certainly agree with you. I think most people miss the low strings that I have hidden in the song. I'm glad you heard them. You have Josh to thank for the drums you hear. Although I did add some percussion myself (Tubular bells... Woodblock... Cymbal crashes... A little kick drum...) Josh did the stuff that really sticks out for me.
Thx for droppin in for a review! Hopefully some of my songs will be up to par with some of yours some day, lol. See ya



I'm right there with you about being frustrated man you, me, all to many people have had what happend to you happen to them and why? All because they want front page (they don't care if the songs good or not they don't listen just BAM downvote) anyway, its apart of the good and bad about this NG place. Anyway, the songs rather nice to listen to man! I agree you should of been on the front page forsure! Just keep on it!

and now its sleepy time for me!


Sp1r1T responds:

:p Thanks man. I might just bge being greedy, but I'm thinking that these people are ungrateful. We make music for them and they just 0 Vote.

This is the onlt site with a top 5 and stuff, thats why I still post here tbh...

not bad =)

Though you could of added much more to this =) its very ambient wich is good. IT flows nicely though there could be so much more added to this just to add to the beauty of the actual song. As always keep on it!


FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

I know I could add more to this.. but it didnt seem right...

stairing at a music box.

Ok I guess its my time to check this out eh? I don't think i'll do half as well as the fella's below me however this is what the song makes me think of.

as a music box turns it almost reminds me of my life. constantly moving.. Untill knowing every thing eventually will stop. Just knowing that eventually my world and everything i know will be gone.. Death? Now thats scary. Again it makes you think.. IS there something after life? Or is there just...Death? Its harsh to think about but then again life is harsh. As a child your sheilded from all that most the time but as you grow up (as said below) growing into your own is a heart breaking experiance. As a child you have dreams of becoming something big but the reality hits and you know that your just like every one else in life.

I mean what were your dreams? Magic? All of that is gone in a blink of an eye. You start thinking about females. Females that will most likely break your heart. In time they say your heart heals however scars will always be there. Life is just like that. No, i'm not really bitching i'm just saying what this song generates feeling. Sadness and its good that it does because obviously you posted it for that reason. However Magic does exist in music at least and this song does give off the emotion intended. Wonderful work Sorry i couldn't make this longer *^_~.

Great music as always keep it up Nubz..and i can't wait to do the BOY BAND haha.


nubbinownz responds:

The boy band is going to be awesome ! :D

I really do like how this sounds.

This is very enjoyable. VERY enjoyable. I'm actually liking how this is sounding at this moment.. I was a little afraid it would get reptitive however you've done some damn good stuff with this. Love the melody. I'll add this to my fav's great work man!


nubbinownz responds:

thanks a bunch man! and good to see you again!

not bad

Deffenatly needs a lil more work however it just has that uncomplete feel to it i'm not really digging the rythem either its very repetitive. May want to change that up some. The beat could use some work here and there. It just sounds like a huge loop. Dude with a lil more work this would shine greatly. Just keep on it!


DJBobHoskins responds:

Well it's totally unfinished. I only stuck it up on NG to get some feedback and to see if it was worth developing!

needs a lil work but

it really does have a cool sound to it. I think it just needs a little more mastering done to it. Other then that its a pretty damn good track man! For having all it has in it its still lovely to listen to. Great work on the piano!


nubbinownz responds:

thank you ! :D Yes, the mastering on my older tracks is pretty darned shoddy. I really ought to come back and redo these. But I don't have all the original samples and instruments. :(

Not bad at all.

For the mac however i don't think it would of worked all to well. Its got more of a scary feeling to it then a sad feeling (i'm sure thats what mac08 was right? the emotional-sad- songs?) its not bad at all however. I DO enjoy how you've added the "ahh's" in and such. At about 1:43 i think you could of substituted the (for lack of better word) basey sound for something else.. Its not a bad digital instrument to use i don't know, just doesn't sound like it would fit for this.. Either way as the song goes on it does blend in so maybe i'm wrong ^_~ Either way as i've said before man keep on it. I'll be listening to more of your stuff in the future i'm sure of it! Much luv and keep it up! Oh, and congrats on the top 5.


EchozAurora responds:

Thankee much.. I do believe it is well established by now that I'm not winning this MAC lol.. a bit too demented.

Thanks for taking a look through my tracks =]

I have to say.

I'm actually rather enjoying this track. I like the, i don't know how to put it... Feel of the track over all its like a happy feeling after a struggle or something along those lines. Wonderful work on this!


KumoKan responds:

Haha thanks. Actually, I kinda felt like that when I was finishing this song.


Nice man!

its been a long time man! Hit me up on MSN sometime! Great song, needs to be longer though dude. Lovely stuff however. i Like what i'm hearing thus far. Has a jazzy, techno, dance feel to it! Keep it up!


S3C responds:

thanks bro i'll get on MSN right now > : )

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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