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ouch...i'm sorry man.

you had a good idea.. The problem is you used the most horrid sounding slayer avialable and thats it. No other instruments. The drums show promise just keep working on it for sure. Good job for the most part..


TheWitchBoi responds:

well i got the demo version of FL studio 8, so i'm still trying to get useed to it. my songs will get better eventually.

since my minds basicly gone...

hehe i'll just say DAMN GOOD SONG MAN!

thanks for sending me the link!


F-777 responds:

Thanks man! I love uuuuu! No im not gay sorry to dissapoint some people =).

9 worthy for sure.

what comes to mind when i think of this song.

I'm a warrior fallen in battle agenst a side that wanted to take my country.. I've fought a good fight finally an arrow peirced my heart.. As i lay here.. agenst this tree i think to myself about my family. My son, still a young lad. My wife, whom i've missed since my first day on the front lines. Finally i see the darkness approaching me. My life is starting to slip away.. Still, i remember those dear to me..

Hehe. just a thought that came to me as I listen to this. Great song here wonderful instrumentation. Keep it up!


Gloudas responds:

cool, thanks a bunch for the review!

Since your begging for reviews ^_~

i'd say you've done a pretty darn good job on this song man. its very relaxing and does have that cool ass space age feel to it. I think it could use a little more to it however. its very simple (though, that could be part of its charm) the delay really gives it a cool sound. Over all man i'd say you've done a pretty good job on this!


FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Lol, you are one of the 3 peop-le to mark a 8 on this song! CONGRATS! I think you over judged this song. You have to lay back and relax to it. You can't just judge every single sound in this.. because there are so many that flow through your head. You are right, however, that its simplicity is its charm. The pad is what makes the song so amazing. I edited it on Garageband.


rather nice.

its one of those songs that just jumps out at you when you first hear it. its perfect for many many scenes in a flash animation or hell even just to listen to. Very great composition here. The instruments work nicely. I love the bells you added in and the effect it has on the ear. For some reason it reminds me of Diablo. I'd say i'd listen to this over and over again. In fact i think i'm going to add this to my Fav's. Great work!


leaderoffheidiots responds:

thanks thanks thanks!

ps. this has nothing to do with diablo but im glad you liked it

been a while since i reviewed ya!

Very lovely! goes wonderfully with the name of the song. Everything flows. THe song tells a story! Much luv man! many props and you both did a great job on this song! The instrumentation is amazing!


Zajed responds:

good to see you man
ye its been a while, and its been a while for me that i released something good
thanks alot for the review, that keeps us moving

we appreciate it thanks alot


Something you can truely head bang to. Vocals deffenatly need to go into this song! I was pretty sure i'd click this and be dissapointed but you blew my mind with this man! DAMN Great work on this. The guitar and well..EVERYTHING flows wonderfully!


XxCowMeatxX responds:

thanks man. that means alot coming from you. and yeah im excited to put vox to this.

i wouldn't say.

i wouldn't say that its creepy. Its kinda missing alot. Its just a bit of misc patterns. I mean its not BAD i just don't think there was much put into it. OTher then that i mean with a lil work this could really be nice! Keep on it none the less i'm rooting for ya!


doomshock responds:

working on it

very lovely sound.

I do enjoy listening to this for sure. the way it flows gives it a feeling of like "love" like the actual name of the song says. Hmm.. Really thats all i can say about it. Its a pretty good track!


ShinRok responds:

I'm glad you liked it :]
Thanks for the review :D

yeah not bad at all.

its pretty hard sounding for sure.. I'm not sure i'm totally with the melody however i'm not going to let that go agenst you. Hehe it's got its own beauty and i can hear that for sure. Great work on this!


DJAirWave responds:

Yeah, I didn't really aim for a stable melody lol, but thank you lol, I really didn't believe that people would like this song that much. Thanks again!


I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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