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very nice.. but sounds like i've heard it before.

maybe you posted an earlier version of this and i reviewed it? LOL Or perhaps something close to this i've heard before it don't really matter. I can hear some pretty good stuff in this track! I'd say stay the course... Add some more Cymbol crashes here and there (the right spots i mean hah) IT sounds beautiful! Great work!


LimblessAvenger responds:

well this is the first version of this i've posted, but im sure this has been done before. just not by me... anyway, yes cymbal crashes would be nice so im gonna start workin on that soon. thanks for the 8!

Very nice.

This is a great track. I could see it being played for a flash movie before a fight scene or even a dramatic scene or even a game yes. This song is catchy and its nice to listen to. Keeps you wanting to listen to it! Great work on that! The instrumentation and the FX were chosen wisely also! Wonderful job!


ErikMcClure responds:

Thanks :D

very interesting.

Its a pretty cool sounding original track. The original was alright i think i remember reviewing that this is a pretty good spinoff of that and adding things to make it stand out more and give it more of a push to greatness! wonderful work!


viperman240 responds:

Thanks for the positive feed back, I guess I'm striving for originality.


it works rather well and sounds wonderful. Of course i don't know what she's saying but i don't have to know to know that the song is a lullaby! Great work on this!


Rig responds:

I just posted the lyrics! It's very beautiful, isn't it? I love her voice.

Psychostick originally did this song.

lots to say about this.. First of all the vocals weren't that good.. 2nd of all you really do need to give original credit to Psychostick and i don't see that what so ever..Also, the high hats at the beginning just kind of kill the intro. I'm sure in the future we'll hear some pretty good tracks from ya if ya listen to Psychostick hah but this just isn't one of them. Sorry.

Keep on the music though


Blackdoom13 responds:

oh Shit your right
I forgot.
Thanks for reveiw!

got a good flow to it.

This deffenatly sounds MMORPG haha. Good start on practicing. Almost has that military feel to it with the drums. Keep on this man its a beautiful track!

Great work


ErikPaladin responds:

Yep, the beats are supposed to be "militarysh, as the MMORPG is going to be about war \o\

Maybe I get them to post a demo version here at NG... Who knows...?

not to bad.

its got some pretty basic sounds to it but it all works out pretty well. Good instrumentation.. the "ahh's" are pretty bad ass.. Everything flows pretty well. Great job on this!


HelgiB responds:

what do you mean by ahh's? the pad voices or? what's so basic about the sounds.
Well anyway thanks for the review.

one of the better ones i've heard.

wow. Pretty nicely done.. Like i said its one of the better ones i've heard and i can see you put some time and effort into this! great work on that! Great song


SupraDarky responds:

Thank you wyld! I appreciate the review. I always loved this theme so I hope I did it at least a bit of justice.

Love the strings

Gives it a mid east sound almost. The strings just rock and the percussion just works out well.. My only complaint is turn the bass instrument down at 32 seconds a little its waayyyy to overpowering for the song. Over all great work though!


TripledJ responds:

Thx for the advice.
I get what your saying about the bass. I only made it that loud to lead into the guitar part.

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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