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Very very happy!

makes me wanna go out in the rain and shout out to the world that i'm happy hahahah. Well, not really but it does have that feeling to it! great work with this track!

nal1200 responds:

Thanks! I like rain too!

is this the one?

IF so its beautiful. a very great song and i'm expecting something like this to go far here on newgrounds. Great work. I'm enjoying everything about this song. You chose the perfect instruments and everything flows wonderfully. Great work


JakesFable responds:

Wow thank you very much for your rare 9/10 I wasn't expecting that at all, I'd really like to thank 100% for that man, Thanks alot ;)

not bad.

it does work and i see this in a few different scenes in a movie or game. I'd see it as a game over screen, or a death of a friend, or even a hero fighting even though he's bleeding to death. Its got alot of potential. Keep on this type of sound!


ThumperHill responds:

Thanks for the review. Cheers!

needs work.

First of all the slayer guitar (if thats what you used) needs alot of work.. it just kills the song and makes it a big ear sore.. some of the other sounds are alright. I'm sure you had to of known that the guitar was way to loud in this when you posted it. It just needs work. Keep it up though!


Dr-Dajova responds:

Slayer sux :/ No slayers here, no...

Anyhow, like i said in the description, i was only bored as hell and made this out a midi, nothing really worked on...

Very awesome!

Very worthy of my 9. When a song starts out and the melody gets me then i know its gonna be a freaking winner just like this one did. Great work on that. I'm enjoying the whole song and how you did this. The Name even gets my attention! Great work on this track and i hope to hear much more from ya!


Manhart responds:

Thank you very much for your great response ! I don't know what to say :b
Just thank you.

I like the concept

over all the songs to repetitive and the background vocals are just way to loud. Its not a bad loop but you did post it as a song so as a song it just doesn't really fit the bill. May wanna work on this a little bit more to make it shine. Its got alot of potential
just doesn't work over all for me. Keep on it i'm sure with a little more work this can shine!


HelgiB responds:

urmm, i posted this real quick this is a short song i made for 2 mins nothing serious..... the vocals seem fine but only to much repeative.

Very nice

has almost a spooky sadness sound to it.. Over all its a beautiful track. You chose great instruments for this and everything just flows

Great work


kelwynshade responds:

Thanks again. Glad you liked this one too.

nicely done.

this works pretty well. Just gets me to imagin a dark castle with torn flags flowing in the wind. Its a great sound and would be great for any soundtrack game/flash/movie what ever.. Nice work!


police-master responds:

Honestly, I thought of it almost exactly like that... Just more futuristic. One of those grim sci-fi things.

I agree.

The song is pretty decent its the lasor and the loud background sounds that just kinda kill this song.. IT gets REALLY annoying after a while and just seems to loop and loop and get hurtful to the ear. May wanna fix that up.. Other then that the beats pretty cool and you have some other cool samples here.


fosterCHILD16 responds:

thanks, yeah i edited it to try and make it more enjoyable, haha


I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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