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Very nice!

Love the intro melody. The bass comes in and just gives it more back bone as you listen. Then you slowly bring in the main melody. Its like a great leadup.then stops and them bam in yo face heheh. Good stuff really enjoying the sound of this.I was gonna tell ya to do something to make the song better and then the song started doing exactly what i was gonna tell you LOL. Great work!

Much luv


Shinrog responds:

Haha! thanks, I'm glad I've answered your expectations xD

does sound like a fight scene song.

Everything kinda works together.. I'd say add some effects on the instruments you used.. Especually the slayer later on in the song. Other then that its pretty cool to listen to. Oh, would help with the quick melody at the first part of the song to use a delay or a reverb of course. other then that wonderful work here.


tijnn responds:

Yeah these sound like great idea's that would really improve the song,
but in this scenario, i as a noob, can't really see how i should produce
these effects etcetera. Do keep in mind that i don't have much more than
4 / 5 hours experience in making breakbeats

Sounds like a bad YU-GI-OH EP.

Oh man.. i tried to give this a chance.. I really did.. You sounded bored while doing this. All the voices sounded exactly like you lol. Here's a tip. Try changing how you say words.. The accent pours through your voice as you change characters. You have the potential to be a really good VA. Just keep working on it.


Kraigerex1 responds:

Okay I will work on that,


not sure this is techno buut LOL.

I don't think this is techno in the traditional sense. However it does have this happy sound to it. That i truely enjoy listening to. THe beat could use a little work being that its everywhere from time to time. The instruments could use maybe some more EQ and or some effects placed on them. LOL Like everyone likes to say here on newgrounds "needs reverb". Other then that great work!


aaronmusslewhite responds:

lol thanks, i guess i should've just said electronic song thing... I literally spent almost no time on it.. maybe later ill put some reverb or something on it. Thanks again :D.


It has a silent feel to it yet at the same time it rocks in its own way. I'd say the only thing I will complain about is it feels like its a lead up and nothing happens. Other then that its a pretty decent track! Keep on it and pretty good work on this!


Neogma responds:

yeah, when i first started this project i wanted it to end around the 6 min. mark or so. this is fully done. after i did this much i kind of had a creativity block and didnt know where to go with it so i moved on to other porjects and have yet to get back to this, however with all the feedback i have been getting i think i shall get back to it sometime soon. thanx for the vote. ^-^ much appreciated. check out my other tracks if u would like.


its deffenatly a trance remix heh.

Its rather enjoyable. has that cool flow to it. The beat and background bass at the beginning gives it a really cool feeling and as it goes it just progresses into something really cool! Great work!


Karco responds:

Glad you liked it, thanks for reviewing. :D

very nice to listen to.

Has that watery sound. I could hear this being played while someone talks about water creatures or something. It also has kinda hard style feeling to it. Its a rather nice beat. Great work!


GiJoe92 responds:

First, thanks for the just review. I too believe this song only really deserves an 8.

I was totally going for that "hard hitting" style of it. How often to you hear techno songs that have a drumline feel to it? I was simply trying to do something that hasn't been heard before. If ever you have any suggestions on how this song or any of my others could be better, please by all means... let me know. I'm forever trying to improve.

thanks again for the realistic review.

has a pretty cool sound to it!

Wonderful sound here. It has that epic feeling. Very big bandish but at the same time just screaming hip hop!
could be used for GTA haha..


DzGuy responds:

Thanks man.

simple but breath taking

Lovely sounding stuff. Starts out simple but goes into something nice and just gets really relaxing. Wonderful work on this!


BlazingDragon responds:

Thank you for the review, wyldefyre1! It *IS* short, but I think I could take it in some nice directions. I'm glad you found it to be relaxing. :)



Ok, it i spoor quality but i think what makes up for that is the actual originality and the time you put into this. You get credit for putting this together out of no where and with no real instruments but your voice. Good work on that! IT did get a laugh out of me.


CazmoV responds:

Hehe, finally, a good review. Thanks man ;)

Finally, someone appreciates the fact that I wasnt really being serious. If I wanted to make a masterpiece, it would be a lot better than that :p
Cheers man :)

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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