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Very well done. Most anything in big band orchestra sounds freaking great.. You've done a good job with this indeed.. Alot better then what iwas expecting for sure. Loving the sounds and the strings flowing together. Great work!


jiggitysmith responds:

Thanks :D I figured the theme was much too epic to be confined to some crappy 80s/90s techno.


Deffenatly has a crystal like sound to it. So it fits the name.. Some of the aspects are kinda annoying to me (don't take it personally lol i've enjoyed many of your other songs in the past just something about this). Though about at about 2:06 this song redeems itself with some bad ass instrumentation! Its really a great track you just got to listen through it! So keep on it man!


Cutting-Christ responds:

Thanks for the review. Crystal is also the name of the person I dedicated it to. ^_^

There's some things even I don't like about this song, but all-in-all I think it's all right. Most of my work is experimentation, so I always try to bring something new that you don't see very often. Like I said, thanks for the review.



the beat really doesn't skip it just doesn't go all to well at the beginning kinda sorta out the blue and has no method heh. I can see what you were going with on the song and its a great idea in fact some of the sounds in the background are beautiful and as you listen to it starts to grow on you! So i say keep onthis! its worth it!


SkatingIsGenetic responds:

Lol. I had been thinking of adding a better beat, but I wanted to see how this was. I had intended on adding more sounds and stuff to the bea. Hopefully I'll finish it more today. Thanks for the help!


pretty cool

Not one of the best but its a REALLY good idea! It starts out all video gamey and goes all new agey almost.. Really you did do a pretty good job on this. It grows on you to as you listen to it! It may not be the best but its pretty darn good!


keatonkeaton999 responds:

Thank you!


It almost has a megaman feel to it! Its a pretty interesting loop i'm not 100% sure that the loop works well it could just be me though. Either way great work on it!


zacko555000 responds:

Thanks for the review! I'm glad you liked it!
( And it does loop right, it's just the player >:[ )


This is something that really pulls you into the music. Its got a wonderful beat and a rather nice sound to it. Feels like your at a temple of worship of some sorts. Just don't fall into that pit of vipers! Great work on this track man!


neoloconick responds:

Thanks I was aiming for some india sort of temple music and I think I pulled it off ^^ thanks for the review and I think I mentaly fell into the vipers wen making it =p

not bad!

you didn't do to bad of a job on this one. its kinda catchy and the instruments were used pretty decently. Over all good work!


JakesFable responds:

Thanks alot man for the support ;)

hmm not bad.

its not a bad remix/make of this song. That part of the game was pretty cool and had alot of good stuff to it. The music was great also. Hmm you just kinda brought back some memories for me! great work on the song.


kairi6384 responds:

thanks for your support ^.^


First of all i'll say this.. I can tell you've worked on this for a while because it sounds like there's effort in this track

Its got a great groove to it the beat in itself is a great sound. The instruments are diverse and keep you thinking. The tempo doesn't change you are right but it can fool you into thinking it does if you listen hah. My only complaint is that it gets a little repetitive but even then its not that bad! So great work on this track! Keep on it!


MackerelSalad responds:

You're propably right. thanks though!

Not to bad!

A pretty good song for your first song right? its got some good melody and really does flow with itself. My only complaint would be its a little random and doesn't flow as well as it should. Other then that its a pretty nice track. Keep it up!


RadioactiveRhino responds:

Thanks for the review, Wyldfyre!
As for the randomness, i just got tired of writing a lic over and over that didn't fit, so i just said "I'll play something. No matter what I get, it'll go." It wasn't a very good get :P

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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