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Not to bad at all!

Loving the vocals going with the actual song. So i'd say you did a rather good job with this! Keep on it!


DJ-Bert responds:

thanks i worked on it for 1 month thanks


Pretty nice! the only complaint i have about this is you'll need a lil more practice so that you don't mess up as much in doing this and adding it here.. Want it to sound just right trust me. There are overcritical people out there that will vote ya down just for that. Also, the over all quality (mic quality) was kind of bad.. Other then that you did a great job!


ElectroBeast responds:

Thanks for the insite. The mic we used was supoded to sound that way. we were going for a more rustic sound

Nicely done.

I feel this would work wonderfully for what you were aiming for! Though i almost picture a "epic" sad moment in this music! None the less great work on the track!


Xeptic responds:

Thanks alot for the review! I guess the song has a sad touch to it. Glad you liked it!

not to bad at all.

The only reason you get a 7 is lack of originality other then that this is a really good track. I did give you a 5 hower. Lovely choice of instruments. The bass gets a lil overpowering at one point i think but its not bad still! Keep on it and great work!


Mad-Muppet responds:

Yeah i know it wasn't all that original. The thing was that i really got this song on my mind, and wanted to play it, but i couldn't really see where to cheange much...Anyways, glad you liked it, thanks for your review!

I hate disco really.

But this song is a lil more then just normal disco. Its got a pretty nice sound to it! So i'll say other then it being a lil to short you did a pretty good job!


benanderson responds:

The clip is only 50 seconds, but as I say in the description it's unfinished :]
I should have a full track hopefully with vocoded lyrics sometime in the next two weeks.

Really..i hate giving short reviews..

All that comes to mind is just this...

Nicely done! Really..NICELY DONE! Great work on this track


Valtrix responds:

Well, it makes it easy to respond. It just makes me really happy to get a review, so even if it's short that's fine by me. Thanks!

A song that tells a story..

i see...

A wife without a husband.. He died fighting for the kingdom he loves and for the freedom of his family. I see the emptyness within her soul, the sadness she bares. I also see that she looks upon her new born son and see's a part of that husband in him... She knows that he will grow up to be a brave man just like his father... A man who will protect and be a hero. I see the future of that kingdom. The boy now a man, his mother on her death bed.. The boy bearing the weight of a crown of the kingdom he fought to protect.. As he watches her slip away he remebers his childhood..She falls into darkness...and awakens.. with her husbend..

Song gives great imagination. Great work!

Shinrog responds:

I like your way of view of the things this song is reflecting,I'm also glad it made you see the tragical part and think of a story of your own. thanks for taking time reviewing it.

Rather well done.

I'm pretty impressed by how well you've done this. Its alot of work to make a song into something more orchestrated and make it sound like its big bandish and have others beleive its such. Great work! you got my 5 and a 8 out of me! wonderful work.. Would love for you to do this with the FF6 ending song.


Beartheshadows responds:

I know it may be hard to believe, but I've never actually played a FF game in my life. Couldn't ever bring myself to get into the series. So this makes it a little harder to keep going when I feel like I've hit a wall. But I'll definitly look into it. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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