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I'd have to say.

I like the original better. Taking a rock sounding song and making it techno is a great idea however i'd say keeping it how it was originally would of worked. Any additions if anything i'd say ADD PIANO haha. None the less its not a bad sound at all just hearing the original its better (my opinion) Keep on it though man!


Manhart responds:

I like the original version way more than this one :)
It was just fun and extremely easy to make a fast techno version :p
It took me less than two hours.
I might add piano to this one! SEXY piano! :D

not bad at all.

Has a really relaxing feel to it and i think thats importent to the over all feeling of the song. I enjoy the rain sounds and such in the background. Just something i think you'd hear in a rain forest (Due to the ambient sexyness) Over all a pretty nice track to listen to. Gets a little repetitive but its very nice to listen to.


gregaaron89 responds:

Thanks, I like the rainforest imagery, it's cool to hear people's interpretations.

Freaking great.

I can't say i played it. I've seen the ad for it however. I may have to check it out.. This song however....Is...MIND BLOWING. Really good work on this!


NemesisTheory responds:

check out the demo at the least :)
I'm glad you liked the song!

congrats on top 5 bro.

Ok first and formost GET A HOLD OF ME MAN! WE NEED TO WORK ON A COLLAB Lol. In other news.. This song is freaking beautiful! I think i remeber voting and reviewing on the WIP you posted. This is a great song and tells a damn good story man! Emotion all over this track. Great work bro.


nubbinownz responds:

Once everything settles down I'll definitely be hitting you up :D BOY BAND ATTACK!

This the one you let me hear recently?

If so this sounds alot better then the FLP you sent me. Good work on this. Its a bit repetitive however i'm sure its that way so someone can spit on it. The beats pretty nice. IT still has that dark sound but i think thats good. Over all not bad at all!


Blasphem-E responds:

Thanks for the review man . And yes it is what I had you listen to. And ya, it's fairly repetitive to be spit on lol.

Ya never cease to amaze me man.

Great stuff here. Love how everything flows. Yah, we need to get together for that collab we were gonna work on for sure. Hit me up! GET MSN OR SOMETHING hahah. Anyway man much luv and keep up the music!


InGenius responds:

Thanks, this was one of those weird moments of "A-ha!" As a buddy of mine likes to say, "I had the coat and the hat, so I decided to impersonate Benjamin Franklin." If that makes any sense.


ps: We will collab. New vent, btw. I'll hit you up on Yahoo or MSN sometime soon and get that to you if Tell hasn't already.


Very different for the AP top five. Though i had this linked to me and asked to give it a 5 i think its worth it because you guys did do some pretty good voice acting here. Anyway, I agree with Mr. Rig. Over all good work and congrats.


Hathor-Liderc responds:

Thank you very much!

Deffenatly interesting.

I'd say turn down the bass drums a tad so the rest of the song can shine a bit more. Other then that you have the makings of something that could be beautiful here!


SkatingIsGenetic responds:

I see what you mean. I'll do that most definitely.

Thanks for the insight! :)

I'd agree with the Authers comments.

IT has a slight feel of depression to it. Though for some reason as the song progresses i sense a struggle of some sort. Perhaps in a hero or something hmm? Anyway great work on this track!


X3850 responds:


Don't let haters get to you.

Some people wont accept that some things catch a listeners ear. I'd say you did alright here. Some of the problem with this was the vocals here and there. Its funny though. Its got a cool sound to it. Anyway, keep it up!


giftedbuttwisted responds:


I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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