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just loud and hard to listen to.

just one of those tracks that i can't listen to after a few seconds. Your voice isn't just annoying but its loud. Learn to EQ yourself a bit better. (not that i use much vocals on my tracks but i at least know that). You're gonna come in to NG and just start causing crap. To be honost its people like you that make NG hip hop hard to listen to. IF this is what you wanna do though go ahead. I don't think your gonna go to far. The beat on this song was better then the other.. about all i can say thats good.


moonpie210 responds:

Fuck Tha EQ my N***a...We Not trying to put in hard work on new grounds fuck a damn new grounds sorry ass bitches...Beats or fuck up ..lame..no good..bitches...Go roc battle.com n***a or tight beatz.com.....this new grounds is shit..Step your game up bitch


Oh so stringy. I don't know really what to say about this. IT just sounds off to me man.


Blasphem-E responds:

Well, I took out the choir, and apparently Wyld thinks it sounds better now. Thanks for the review man


it has this kinda cool mystic sound to it. Like something you'd hear in a realm of magic or something. Lovely stuff like i said in MSN. Keep it up for sure my friend.
Can't wait to hear the finished version.


Blasphem-E responds:

Yeah, it's getting closer to being finished, although I don't find it shabby as is lol. I'll probably think of a few more counter-melodies and such in the coming days. As always, thanks for the review


This song makes me want to make a video with this song in the background running around town screaming randomly "I DID IT!!". Picture someone running through like K mart with this song in the background screaming "I DID IT!!!" or like running through a drive through screaming i did it!! HAHAHA Oh man! I would be perfect.

Its got a great feel to it but thanks to that story it has a bit of a silly feel to me now too! Much luv man!


Moltov responds:

Lol thanks,

love the picture you painted here.

As you paint a picture with your words the song paints the rest for sure.. Its almost a creepy feel to it. The piano gives it a scary feel as the drum set gives it almost a moment of going crazy type feel. hah it reminds me of something along the lines of a remix of a silent hill song! much luv man keep it up!


LLAAPPSSEE responds:

Heh-heh. Its nice to have some guidance with the music, yes? Really capture people with a feeling. I'm glad you like the vibe! Silent hill's got some great music! : D

Fairys dancing all in a row.

A pretty nice remix for sure. hah, for some reason i can picture a fairy rave around the queen fairy! Anyway, great remix here for sure!


DenVessidence responds:

lol that would make a funny flash.
glad you liked it

VERY interesting sound.

Problem being is that i can't tell you what i feel is new or not being that i've never heard the original track. Though from what i'm hearing here is freaking great. So keep up the good work for sure.


Kazmo responds:

Ahaha, I'm glad you enjoyed this!

PS: I don't think that's a real problem. ;P

Thanks for the review/support!


Sounds great for a video game. I'd say you hit the damn nail on the head here. Lovely sound. Could hear it for a town or a theme song for a silly character or something along those lines. Good work!


Hades responds:

Thanks, that really was the mood I was aiming for! ;D

Hmm.. pretty nice.

I like what you got here, but i could see a WHOLE lot more going into these melodies giving it more depth and creativity. Not saying its not creative one bit. In Fact they do sound great. However, i could see you going much further with this just adding a few more melodies in the background to bring out the original sound. Anyway, great work with this song and good work getting front page! Much luv!


dj-KDUB responds:

thanks a lot for the review. i'll keep that in mind if i ever wanna come back to this song.

not bad.

Though from the opening i was really hoping that the song would go a different direction then it did. So i can say i'm a lil dissapointed. However the direction it did go isn't all that bad. So all in all its not a bad song in general. Keep it up for sure.


Skyflyer responds:

I remake the song soon

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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