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yeah i get why ya used the repetitive sound in this to add lyrics and what not to not mess with the flow to much. Its not really a bad song its just hard to change up that particuler song.. I do like what you did about 1:17 int o the song. This song has great potential and wouldn't mind hearing the finished version. Keep it up!


lucid08 responds:

thanks for the feedback...but...there's one problem...this isn't a preview lol, this pretty much IS the final version (unless I get a ton of feedback / proposals from other reviewers)

Thanks for the review anyhow, helps to hear what people like and don't like in my music.

not a bad song at all.

I'm enjoying where you went with this song. I think you've done a pretty good job. The instruments sound rather well and the rythem is very catchy! Great work. It does need to be a lil longer however but it is a loop so i guess that works lol..


mariomusicmaker1 responds:

Yo thanks a bunch for the review :D i was hopeing for more critisizom but what ever : P i feel as tho it needs somthing but i dont know what....

thanks for the review,.

Its deffenatly a step up.

You're heading in the right direction when it comes to this beat. You may want to change up some of the sounds here and there but you got the beat down right. The guitars work a little better but you may still need to find some better sounds. You ARE heading in the right direction let me tell ya that hah. As for the fella below me let me just say this.. THIS SONG IS original.. You've not stolen this content. Its completely by you that makes it ORIGINAL. IT may not have the best sounds ever but we all start some where. Its easy for some to citique and trust me you'll get alot of that! LOL. Keep on it my friend


lordtac1 responds:

Thanks alot wyld... glad you like it :P I need some better sites for plugins though the one I was on only has 10 guitars

I can see this song going far on newgrounds.

Its a really nice tune. Even for improv its got some nicely put together sounds here. Really rocking in a mellow way. You've done a great job with this and it sounds pretty professional as far as the quality goes. A lil more work and i'm sure you'll hit it big! Keep on this sound!


Eternalreich responds:

Wow not what i expected thanks alot and stay evil

congrats on getting best of the week!

Its a great feelin ain't it? Heh. Really great work on this track. It flows wonderfully and is a mood changer most deffenatly! Nicely done all together!


nubbinownz responds:

yes it feels absolutely wonderful .. tottaly unexpected too!

Space....the Final... yah

LOL it does have that star trek feel to it! Or a "Lost in space" kind of vibe! hah. The synths get a little annoying after a while.. You may want to change that up some other then that its a pretty interesting sound to it!


Kilkashi responds:

Thanks for the tip dude.

Spooky yet beautiful!

its like something you'd hear under water yanno? Like a diving theme song! Great work on this track you've done a good job. Keep it up! song really plays with your imagination!


Kilkashi responds:

You put it best, my friend. Thank you.


It has a lil over modulation here and there but other then that its a damn nice track! I went ahead and posted what i added to "What if" the collab we were working on but never got to finish. So check it out when ya get the time! Keep on the great music my friend!


MikeBlade responds:

yo bro thankz for the review and keep it up with the musik!

damn funny!

LMFAO! really its funny as hell!


Rudy responds:

ahahaha thanks :D

Music is the hearts medication!

really this isn't ab ad track at all it just needs a little help here and there.. Some of the notes seemed sour but other then that it was pretty good.. Itsa beautiful song. Keep on it!


DeusExMagna responds:

The dissonances are a tad irksome, yes. This is just a rough cut-- I quite literally made this in 5 minutes. I'll resubmit it in an hour or two. I think the dissonance stems from the bell section which, at shizeet's suggestion and my preference, shall be removed outright.

Also, I'm turning the volume up. As a side note.

Thanks for the critique, the kind words, and your ears.

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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