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Has that racing car sound to it. LETS RACE! LOL. Great work on this track. It gets a little to repetitive in some parts but other then that its actually very nice to listen to! Great work on this


DeathbyGamingX responds:

its not finished yet so ill change it up alittle bit to fix the repetitiveness thank you for the review as always ill do the same in return


IT has that type of build up that makes me enjoy listening to it. Everything flows its not the typical type of techno or trance that i'm used to. You've done a great job with this track i'm most deffenatly going to add this to my fav's! Great work.


Laikros responds:

Thank you for the constructive review!
Plus a bonus for the favorite! :D

A very simple song.

Simple yet very moving! Lovely stuff. Some of the best music to date is based on a simple rythem of some sort! Great work with this it does tell the story and then some!


Gian responds:

Thank you very much =) I know.. I wanted to make something simple but touching.. Im kinda bored of making complex songs with SUPERULTRAMEGAFAST-Melodies.. Thank you again for the review :) I apreciate it.

Great stuff!

Very ambient yet rockish and that i think is a great mixture of sounds that can just turn into a winner of a song.. Great work on this and you probably should do a few more like this i bet this type of sound could go far! Nice stuff all together!


Firebalt responds:

Thank you very much, Being an FL studio fan boy i love to play with all sorts of electronic stuff and then rock it out with guitars. Just about all my new music is a mix of electronics and guitars.


probably one of the better tracks i've heard in a while here. Even the lyrics and vocals are rather well done! Great work on this song and i think you've done a great job on this! Keep it up and keep pumping out stuff like this!


Cayler responds:

I definitely will keep writing. I've actually got sooo many songs just waiting to be finished. But with college, it's going slow getting them done right now.

Very relaxing!

loving the piano in this. Everything flows rather well together and really its just a sweet song to listen to! So you have done a pretty good job with this track.Hmm now i'm wondering if that piano is a string.. LOL not on my usual comp so i don't have my good speakers.. bahh either way it sounds great! Keep it up!


DJ-Dax responds:

Its a string haha =P


it has a sci fi sound to it that really kind of gives it that beauty. Works wonderfully i can see this almost as a running scene song for a sci fi flick! Great work!


Nav responds:

Thanks for reviewing! :)

8 bit madness!

really one of the best 8 bit songs i've heard in a long while. Great work on this i'm rather enjoying the sound of this. Its got that great flow and you did a good job over all.


m0dul4r responds:

Thanks, really means a lot to me when people enjoy my art!

its the final countdown!!!!!

LOL it does remind me of that also. My complaint about this song would be that its to midi- sounding big time. Its not badly done just figured the instruments could of been chosen better. Other then that its not a bad track at all. So keep on it and great work..


Beartheshadows responds:

Yeah. I try to stay away from subkitting my more "guitar driven" tracks because any synth guitar sounds like shit. I would have recorded the guitars live, but I don't have the equipment to get GOOD recordings. Thanks though.

its not bad.

Its actually pretty catchy. Fun to listen to i can see someone adding lyrics to this and it turning into something almost brilliant. Most deffenatly a good job on this! Wonderful work


Mister-Monker responds:

appreciate the feed wf
ill try n keep em commin for ya

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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