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beautiful work!

it really does stand out! Love the piano in this! Really i'm so brain dead right now i'm just enjoying the song haha. Can't think of anything to say other then damn fine track!


kaptainkewl responds:

You have no idea how hard it was to play that in unision (or maybe you do, I don't know what instruments you use), My fingers literally hurt after i found what I believed to be the perfect musical set. Thanks again for the review, I know how hard it is to get a 9 from you, So I'm taking this as a huge compliment.

wow! I'm rather impressed.

and damn honored that you'd find one of my songs good enough to remix =) haha. It sounds pretty beautiful! The strums and everything sounds pretty good. I can tell the obvious and subtle differences. beautiful wor! I'd probably change a few things being that its just me heh but really its good so 5 out of 5!!


kaptainkewl responds:

I was hoping to get a good response. Mind the bad timing at parts, I only play live and this was about my third attempt at it. I was just toying around on the keyboard and I realized the chord pregression, I had listened to the song earlier, So I figured I'd give it a shot. Thanks!!


i don't remember this song being so punk haha.. Its not a bad mix of the song though i don't know i hate to say it but the vocals really hurt this song. It could of been quality of them. Either way keep on it!


NormireX responds:

Aye. I agree back then my vocals weren't the best. Guess I should have stated that the song was somewhat old.heh I'm a much better singer now I assure you. Heck if the band was still together I'd love to re-record all of our stuff. But thanx for the review though! And we recorded all of our songs "live" through our Peavey sound system. We mixed it ourselves and considering none of us had any real experience mixing audio back then I think we did a decent job for what we had to work with. Again thanx for the reveiw and thank you to anyone else who listens to these songs. I'm am thankfull Newgrounds allowed me to post them.


It like one of those songs you that makes you imagin a relaxing day on a ranch or something haha. Really it is rather catchy! I'd say you've done a pretty darn good job on this!


Liau responds:



it does have a summer ocean feel to it! Its beautiful. Great work! There are possably a few things you could of added to make this stand out more but really its good as is!Great work and keep on it!!


Geigamg responds:

I wanna work on this one good cause its pulling a distant memory of mine out.
Kinda of me n my girlfriend so yeah. Thanks alot for reviewing me again buddy =]


yeah it is a under rated song. This song does bring back some memories! ... Man where's my whip? hahah.. Great work on the song!


SupraDarky responds:

Haha the whip was awesome in CV4, you could do tons of things with it. :P Thanks wyld!

good stuff.

its got a pretty good melody. its something that yeah i think would make people want to get up and dance it up! Great work with that. The instrumentation sounds spot on! The beat is pretty nicely put together.


nubbinownz responds:

I hope you're right lol i'm playing my first show on the 19th for 700+ people lol. We'll see if they feel the same way! haha Definately going to make an extended version of this!


A beautiful remix of bloody tears. I really can't think of much more to say! you've done a great job!


NemesisTheory responds:

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D

not bad.

it does have that classic rock feel and you've really pulled off the beauty of the song. Though i'm not hearing to much different from the actual song that you may of put in rather then the sounds and what not.. other then that however you've done a damn good job!


Nightwasp responds:


whew...LAST ONE!

Great sound to this. It builds up and then just starts moving greatly. You have talent my friend (as if you needed ME to tell you!) Keep it up for sure!


F-777 responds:

luv u!!

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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