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Its got a pretty original sound. I'm liking the piano but some of the background noises are killing it.. May wanna turn that down some.. I mean its a good song and has great potential here. I think my biggest problem is i'm not a huge fan of industrial. The song IS really beautiful when the piano comes in. I'd have to agree with people saying you need to Remaster this a little. The plucked sounds are alright and have a good breakdown feel to it. Some of the background sounds need to be turned down a little. (All this is of course my opinion). This is a pretty good song and has a LOT of potential i'd like to see you bring it all out. Good work overall!

monochromatic responds:

I would have made it with better mastering, but I've only been making songs for a few months, and I don't really know how to master songs. I'm trying to figure it out as I go, though. I probably won't come back to this song for a while (I have other things to do at the moment), so I guess I would consider it done for now. Thanks for reviewing it, and I'm glad you think it has potential.

And sorry for the late response, I've had finals to do.

The haters must be out and about.

Because this song is not worthy of a 0 or a 1 or even a 2. IT deserves at LEAST a 4 I've given you a 5 but alas doesn't seem like it helped much. I'm enjoying the fade ins and fade outs. Even if it does sound like a traditional trance song its still got its beauty to it and i'm digging on it. Good work!

Shinrog responds:

The score doesn't really matters...even if only a few people liked it,im happy enough ^^

Loving the ambient goodness!

Sounsd freaking beautiful man! Keep it up!

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Hey, I see you checked out my latest subb\missions. cool. =)

VG music remakes are good!

As is this one! So keep on keeping on man! This stuff is pretty nicely done.

Hyper-Freak92 responds:

Thanks :D I got permission to arrange this stuff and it's some of the most arrangment-worthy music ever. All of the songs from the old game Tyrian flow really well, I encourage you all to check out the original soundtrack, and the what, tertiary release of the game, "Tyrian 2000," is now free to download legally. Google it.

haha i don't even have to close my eyes!

Damn good song my friend. makes me sleepy just listening to it.. Very relaxing.. Brings very great thoughts to mind of a land of dreams. AHH KIRBY DONT EAT ME!!! Whew, close one... haha good stuff here man.

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Lol, thanks man. =)

one voice actor to another.

PRETTY well done hahah.

Echnaret responds:

Thanks. :)

very relaxing.. Makes me wanna chill haha

Pretty good beat and sounds here.. Things flow together pretty nicely.. I'm not gonna bullshit you and say its the best thing ever but its nice! Keep on it!

Limesauce responds:

thanks dude =] , yeah its nothin great or complicated, but i think its pretty mellow

not to bad.

Kinda crazy at some points but its pretty good for being what it is.. very original sounding.. So good work!

ericdrebin responds:

Thanks, crazy is good... I think. I like crazy, anyway.
I'm glad you like the song.
Thanks for the kind review.


Yeah i can tell you were angry.. You let it out on all this poor song hahah ... Not really though writing music when having lots of emotion usually is a pretty good thing.. Though i can't seem to get into this. Its got a pretty decent beat thats about it though. Anyway keep up the work!

GrysonOC responds:

Thanks, and I will.

wasn't a huge fan of the ff7 sound track.

The earlier FF's had such a better soundtrack. However. However I'm not basing that on this remake/mix of the song.. I actually think you did a pretty decent job on remaking/mixing it up. keep on it! Good work.

Nermio responds:

Thanks, this may not be much of a song actually, but it was made by one of those good composers that really used their heads and knew that in addition to a speaking picture like a videogame, the song doesn't need to be better. I mean this isn't a good song, it's a good backgroundplinging for a game. All I want to say is that allthough it may not be a good song, it serves the purposes it was made for.

And I want you to know this: 1, I mean not to offend any brilliant composers on Newgrounds. And 2, Don't worry, no animals were hurt during the recording ;P

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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