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Nicely put together.

Not bad a little repetitive but it works out and you change it up before it gets annoying.. Good work!

Cutting-Christ responds:

I have to say, thank you for all the reviews. I really appreciate it. ^_^

Not to bad!

Repetitive but i mean you only had so much to work with so you can get away with it! Great work!

EliteFerrex responds:

Exactly! ^^ Thanks for reviewing!


Its not bad you may want to turn some of the instruments down as to not overpower the others. especually at 30 seconds. The drums sounded a little off to me for some reason. the opening instrument could of been better chosen but like you said this is a (Preview) i'm sure your going to add and fix all sorts of stuff.. So good luck with that and great job so far!

CrazyChocobo responds:

Well, this prerelease was a bit rushed, and I didn't notice how badly the second electric guitar overpowered the rest of the song at first. As for the drums... it's a pain in the ass getting drums to sound good in FLStudio, but I'm working on them... Anyway, thanks for the review! :D
Again, if anyone knows where I could get a good lead guitar patch for Fruity Loops, I'd appreciate the help.


i'm suprised you didn't put this in ambient! It could pass for it.. Very smooth and relaxing. Works also for new wave hehe.. Who am i to talk? I put everything in misc right? haha.. Anyway, another great track by you! Keep on it!

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Hey thanks, g;ad you liked it. AGAIN!=P

Songs good!

The songs good the singing is so so... it kinda ruins the song (not intended to be a insult) in some parts. The Screaming parts are kinda cool here and there.. I think you could of done better with this as far as vocals go but then again its hard to get a mic to sound right. Anyway great effort in the vocals and great song for just making it up!

aaronmusslewhite responds:

lol thanks. Yea.. the vocals are 1st takes. Theres alot of stuff i probably should've went back and tried to make better. Hope it wasn't to horrible x.x


one of the strangest names of a song i've come across on here haha.. Though i will say this the song is VERY original a far as sounds go and i like it! good work!

Grillpie responds:

I think "Stretch my Technetium Body" is a cooler title though :P

Thanks for the review.

Very nicely done.

Though i'm not sure you gave off the feeling you wanted with this.. I could be wrong.. I mean from reading it you wrote it out of love right? I'm getting like a "Creepy" feeling from the song. IT MIGHT just be me... Ohh then it changes up at 1:00 that kinda fixes it... Either way very nicely done.. beautiful song!

Xavon responds:

Hence Forbidden Love. It's a darker classical piece, with love on the mind though of course.

Thanks for the review.

all in all well done!

Its very nice for what it is even the transitions wich you may or may not of been worried about come together decently in my opinion. This is a good track.

MaestroRage responds:

I'm glad it came together somewhat well, thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!


very big bandish feeling.. WOuld be great for many different scenes in a movie or game.. Well done I love teh song.

NEMiSiS87 responds:

thanks a bunch, glad to hear you like it :)

good work!

its video game material or even flash movie most deffenatly! Well put together is all i can say really. Great work!

Joegame9 responds:

I shall use this in my new animations then yeah?


I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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