Is this a dream?
Lovely work here. Is this a dream or is this a reality? I think the only problem i have with this is the mic quality here and there. Other then that this song is pretty nice. Great flow. Good over all musak! Keep it up!
Is this a dream?
Lovely work here. Is this a dream or is this a reality? I think the only problem i have with this is the mic quality here and there. Other then that this song is pretty nice. Great flow. Good over all musak! Keep it up!
As with most my collabs this was fun.
My 2 cents in here. I loved doing the piano to this song and adding the strings and such. My personal favorite part starts at 1:52. =) Have a listen people =).
LMAO! I never knew u to be the modest type. You can't even give yourself a review score of 10!
Regardless, thanks for all the time and effort spent in this song. It made it a lot easier for me to put in the extra effort as well. And yes, 1:52 and later are friggin awesome!
not bad at all.
I'd say you got yourself a pretty awesome remix of a awesome original song. So all in all you got a winner here. You've improved upon a song that was great to begin with and thats hard. so props to you and congrats on getting top five.
thanks! glad you like it :D
ye i knew it would be hard because it is very known, but i wanted to make a remix haha :p
I'd say this is pretty good bro. I will say that envy was right about the cymbol however i wont say this is worth a five (Envy bro, you need to not be so harsh with reviews no one likes a douchebag LOL). Some of this i will say is to loud and needs to be mixed slightly better but in my opinion i'd say you did a pretty good job all in all. Lovely stuff as always.
Keep up the sexyness pinke
Pretty nice stuff.
For your first upload to the site i'd say you've done pretty good. This is like ambient eletric sexyness to my ears haha. All in all some of your instruments are slightly to loud but thats an easy fix and i can over look that because everything else is mixed so well.
Hmm =). good stuff
The wind that starts at 22 seconds i can't say i'm too fond of. It has this random way it goes around the song and i feel it could of been put in a bit better, its also a little louder then i would like it to be. All in all though the song starts out pretty nicely with a calm feeling. Nice story for this as well. I'd say it goes with it pretty nicely. At 1:54 the drums come in. I'd say adding them in at that point was a lil late. The drum beat's alright and needs a lil more FX to them in my opinion. However i like the use of strings with this part of the song and the flute comes in and seems to have a method to the madness hah. All in all its a pretty good song i just see room for improvement. Keep it up buddy!
5/5 6/10
thank you for the review. I'm not sure what wind you are talking about, i assume the flute is what you are talking about . The reason there is a bit of madness is because i recorded all of the instruments in parts with a midi keyboard and when ever i try to go back and fix it i make it worse so i leave it. So by saying this i look at the madness as just my style
not to bad thus far.
I'm likign what i'm hearing however i can hear room for improvement. Of course its still a WIP so i wont go into detail. I will say i want to hear the finished version when you are done so keep it up! You got something here that could be a damn good song! Keep it up!
Like what? unless you really can't describe it, i would rather know a few key points to be fixed. I'm still trying to develop my FL skills you know:D
You know in its own way it has some beauty. I don't know i could hear this in a flick or something when something goes completely haywire in a work station or something like that. Or a brain dead monkey throws poop at people hah.. All in all it could be better but i can see use for this.
no, and i dont 'use keys'
Phade your screaming like a mad man!!! Bjra is in a cave.. and Kazmo's giggling like a school girl.. THIS IS WHY I LOVE VENT!
I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!
Age 45, Male
Joined on 7/17/04