Well it IS original. That i can give you credit on. However It does need work. Some EQ work, and some effects added for sure. Maybe a bit more melody added as well would help. Anyway good work thus far.
Well it IS original. That i can give you credit on. However It does need work. Some EQ work, and some effects added for sure. Maybe a bit more melody added as well would help. Anyway good work thus far.
not bad at all.
Now if i could only get my mix working like i want it to haha.. Keep it up!
I do feel you could of done a bit better on this however its not all that bad. I can't say its really better then the original wich i feel is a bit better then this actually. Some of the instruments could use some work in EQ and even some more effects. Not bad though for a remake.
None the less keep on it!
One of the most over played songs in LOZ.
I can't say i seriously liked this mix of the song completely something sounds off key to me. I see where you were going with it however and i like the concept. As the song progresses it gets a bit better. I don't know its just one of the most over played songs from LOZ (most remixed on NG at least hah). None the less this song does deserve an 8 dispite my opinion. Great work on this none the less.
This is indeed 8 bit lol.
Very original i must say haha. Really a great sound and i don't even really like 8 bit songs or chip tunes. You've deffenatly got the time's music down and made it into something that you've grasped and turned into well.. Something nice! haha. Over all great stuff keep it up!
not suprised.
Not at all suprised this is on the top five. By that i mean its yet another great song from ya. Great work man as always keep putting the good tracks out.
I'll keep trying, thanks wyldfyre! Thanks again for the review, glad you liked it!
very nice
Lovely and relaxing. Convays alot of emotion and thats a winner in my book!
Great work
Emotion up and down the anus!
Very beautiful song for sure. Much worthy of top five. hope ya get it man! Gonna keep this short and sweet. Can't think of a single thing about this song i don't like!
Much luv!
Great stuff!
Love the damn blues-ee sound in this. It makes me wanna go out to the boonies and kill a dudes family so he can feel the blues.. Not really though.
Great work on this track!
Thanks man, I appreciate the review and stunning mental image!
hah i'll keep this short and sweet.
Pretty damn good!
I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!
Age 45, Male
Joined on 7/17/04