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Aladdin making the scene!

yes this gave off the effect i'm sure you wanted. Sounds pretty damn tight!!!

ShinDenjin responds:

Nice. Thanks man.


not bad.

Rather well done! Keep on it.

Aslan-Emanuel responds:

Sweet. Thanks for the review!

now listen to this!

The opening sounded almost 40's entertainer-esque but the rest of it just kinda.. Wow... blew my mind. Yeah there's alot of emotion and heartfelt stuff being played here and you deffenatly outdo me in the piano hahaha. I play by ear but you play by SOUL! keep on keeping on my friend.

Cosmos8942 responds:

Thanks...this may not be real piano...but I dunno how I did it....

Its almost like I just went into a daze and just started throwing in notes...and come to find I create this...I love this one...but its odd, I can't remember much when I was making this o.o. Just bits and pieces.

Thanks for the review again and again...and a 9/10 from you is above average :D. Thanks ^^,

video game -tastic!

Yup sounds pretty darn good!

Cosmos8942 responds:

O_o Its you again...hey :D. Can't say much here other then thanks...,


its not bad!

may wanna work on your vocals i don't mean the singing is bad i mean the volume of them.. Thats the biggest problem here. I'd of given you a higher score if it was a lil more understandable. Good stuff though music wise.

Smirne responds:

Yes you're right! But the record is an old one, it was made in studio and we just got the mixdown.. So unluckily it's impossible to work on it now :(

not that bad!

its got a pretty good lead up! needs a lil work gets a lil repetitive but thats fine. It Still has a pretty rockin sound to it!

TheUrbanNinjaGirl responds:


Great job!

IT gets a tad bit repetitive but other then that man this is superb and i can see why its one of the best rated =) Keep on it! Great stuff!

Sp1r1T responds:

Thank you!!!!!!1

its not bad.

its good for what you said but at the same time its a lil cheesy. haha good work !

Pandoryk responds:

Cheesy? XD
Hum... funny, because i'm not english, so I looked for a definition of "cheesy" and what I found is not really flattering. But heh, if you think that, no problem!
BTW thank you for the review! ^^


it gets a little repetitive but other then that its pretty bad ass! i like how everything seems to come together. You have a good ear for putting sounds together and making them turn into something great. Good work!

Korpze responds:

Thx :)
well, you can never have too much repetitivity (if thats even a word)
unless.. its for all of the song, and i mean all, lol

This is a pretty good song also.

There may be a bit of lack of bass but you make up for it in intensity (spelling?) In the song.. you bring out alot of feelings and such as the song progresses and the drum beat itself is pretty bad ass. Well done.

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Hey, cool glad you liked the beat. =)

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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