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I feel....

This is a pretty creepy track. nicely done just missing something. Hey it may be what it doesn't have that makes it creepy. Very nice though. Those creepy sounds and songs would do a great deal in some animations. Hear that flash artists? This would be a great GHOSTLY TRACK!

Pandoryk responds:

Ghostly track! Yeaaaah! I like when you say that dude!! ^^
And that's right, this track is very simple, too simple maybe yes... but I didn't know what I can add to make it more I-dunno-what. So let it be creepy :D
Thx for the review!! ^^

I agree. Very emotional.

There's emotion in this absolutely! Can hear it from the beginning to the end. Very nicely put together track. But then again i've listened to your other stuff and come to expect great stuff from you. Good work. Keep on it!

F-777 responds:

Thanks man! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the awesome review!

This is a pretty tight song.

Ok, I'm thinking haunted house theme.. Or perhaps scary graveyard or something like that... The mind playing tricks on you... Things coming out to haunt you.. mmm VERY NICE!

Deathkavaderva responds:

Hey its that guy that dosen't like sluts!
neither do I lol. What I had in mind was what my comment said-- tap dripping and you drift in in and out of sleep at night, but I know it sounds creepy.
Always great to hear everyone's interpretations!
For that is the beauty of music.

Not a bad track at all.

I can't think of anything bad to say other then its a lil reptitive and didn't stand out too much. Other then that its a pretty good track! Nicely put together.

weemeee responds:

Ty :D


its got a pretty cool sound to it.. My only complaint would be its a lil plain.

but its nice none the less

Garatorn responds:

yeah i know.. this was the first song i ever made on FL... soo =P

its what ever you want it to be!

Good work on this one! sounds pretty darn good! Love how the bell effects clash together making the song flow!

EOVotes4Pedro responds:

thanks alot, wyldfyre1! i can tell you this for a fact, though...you wont see much dance songs from me! i usually do general rock.

not to bad

The openings a little strange but as it goes on the song just gets better and better.. Good work! keep on it!

Dark-Frando responds:

The beginning I was trying to avoid going straight into the song as if scanning the infinities of space before in crashes Mr. Planet claimer and the rest just goes along with the song.

Thanks for the comment though, it's made me feel better about the outcome of this song ^_^

nicely done

this sounds pretty good.. actually no it sounds VERY Good.. I like it.. Can't wait to hear what you put in the full one. Good work!

Arcsynth responds:

Thanks! Although I don't think there will be a full version. =(

hahah haven't heard from you in a while!

Musics getting better.. though the screaming parts are still kinda random! lol. your learning though! keep on it my screaming friend!

Frostvind666 responds:

I´m learning alright. I now that my screaming could be better but it will eventually change over time (I Think). Still this is a helpful review.


woot a remix!

I'm not really a huge fan of bitter sweet symphony but i will say this you changed it up and got some attention.. good work. Not a bad remix..

americanidiot2f responds:

Me too, actually I didn't like the vocals. So I got those out and just changed the song up.
I plan on doing some actual serious audio later, then go back to flash animating. I haven't been animating for a couple of weeks.

I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!

Age 44, Male




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