pretty cool!
don't think i've heard the other one yet but i like the loop its got a cool feeling to it!
pretty cool!
don't think i've heard the other one yet but i like the loop its got a cool feeling to it!
Thankies! ^__^
oh yeah!
Me and these hobbits are gonna kick some dark king ass!! Lets see.. Let me check my check list... 2 hobits to use as a human shield..check.. Toothpick swords... Check.... Some cloak stuff to make the idiot bad guys think we're a rock... A orb that shines light or something..... And a stupid ring that doesn't do anything but make me want it oh and turn hobbits invisable... GREAT! Lets go get em!
really though, its a cool song! I thought you'd laugh at that!
Kinda sounds like some of my stuff but with a much better drum beat haha! Great work though the VST sounds damn good! Keep it up!
yea, you were an inspiration for this song! thanks for the compliments <3
Storm the gates!
Has that plotting feeling to it like someones gonna take over a town or destroy something big. Its got a awesome groove though. I could see this used in something like Call of duty. Its great!
oh yess! many thanks!
very detective-ee!
haha yeah, i'd say you did a good job giving it that detective feel! I could hear this playing while i'm trying to figure out a crime or soemthing like that. Its good stuff! Short but still very good!
what crime wyldfyre!? spill the beans! Haha, thanks again! :D
Freaking beautiful!
Wonderful song and i can see this being used in a RPG style game. Great stuff i love the strings that go along with the plucking background. Its a really really nice song. Everything flows beautifuly!
Thanks, I'm glad you liked this one WF1. probably the most serious one on my alt account :)
its a great concept!
i think it just needs to be worked on more.. meaning longer and made into a longer song but as you said in a earlier reply ya can't. thats fine though i think you did a pretty good job on this as is! Keep on it man!
yep I agree with you! well many thanks again :D!
its like a drug trip within a drug trip
and i'm not even sure i woke up from it yet LOL. Its crazy i can't say its your best but its deffenatly interesting.. Crazyness. The beats pretty cool though haha.
yea its a lil over the edge LOL! thanks as always!
Really good stuff. it has that ambient groove to it that i hate to say it would be PERFECT FOR A PORN SCENE lol. Its got that really cool groove though so its easy to listen to and nice on the ears! No suprise coming from you though good stuff!
haha yes! thanks again man :D
I could see this being used in a Final fantasy game of some sort. it tells a story without saying a word get what i'm saying? Great stuff and the strings are just beautiful! needs to be a little longer though haha i know how hard it is to start a project and then just being totally unable to finish it because of block! Great work thus far keep it up!
yea I agree with the length. Thanks for comparing it to FF! and thanks for another good review!
I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!
Age 45, Male
Joined on 7/17/04