not to bad.
its a fun listen really. The piano is cool as hell and everything flows well. The bass is kinda crazy but thats part of the beauty!
over all great work on this!
not to bad.
its a fun listen really. The piano is cool as hell and everything flows well. The bass is kinda crazy but thats part of the beauty!
over all great work on this!
Thanks! :)
yeah, it needs alot of work. Alot of it blends and bleeds over onto itself. I can tell that you used the midi to re work some of this. That along with the quality is taking from your score here. The piano didn't sound very well done either.. It could use a few effects put in to maybe give it some beauty. Over all it just didn't work. Don't give up though you got a good idea!
not bad.
got a good idea here and you i think you could get away with this. Even though the original sound isn't yours you could probably make it yours if you just did the right thing (wich I seriously think your heading that direction) Great work!
not bad.
deffenatly a fight song of some sort. Would be great for something like that. Its got a cool sound to it deffenatly. Over all great work on this and keep it up!
Hell yah!
this has a got a pretty tight sound to it. Loving the strings and the piano-ee sound. Almost has an R&B sound to it too. Really though great work with this!
Thanks! I'm glad you like it.
good for what you wanted.
great work. It is menu music in the deepest form of menu music haha.. Or could be good credits rolling music to. You've got a cool lil groove here great work! Love the piano.
thanx dude!
not bad thus far.
just needs a little more work as i'm sure your aware already. LOL Funny because of the name i thought someone i knew personally posted. LOL Then i seen your name and was like YAH!! HAHA JACK POT! anyway, Great work. Sounds like a FF song towards the middle.. Keep up with those strings man they work well!
haha, you got me. Thanks for the review!
hehe review and then some!
hehe just so you know telling people not to zero bomb you isn't going to help with them NOT zero bombing you trust me if anything it'll just get them to do it more.
Though i'll say this. This song is no shape way or form a zero! At the least a 5 at the most a 5.
Anyway, with that said and done Great work on this track. The instrumentation works wonderfully and the rythem and melody just catches the ear. Great ear candy and over all nice to hear.. I'll be adding this to my fav's on music.
Shhhh I edited that out lol. I never thought I'd get top scoring lol. Thanks for the review and fave.
not to bad.
lol its like a love song almost.. I think it does need a little work over all though its got a great sound and when you do i'm sure it'll shine like no other =). OVer all though i like it! great work!
Thanks, glad you liked it. :)
Has a metallica feel!
I just wanna go outside and reaking mosh man! Great work on this track! Love the heavy feel and some of it does remind me of a bit of a metallica song. Great work over all! Need some lyrics hahah!
I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!
Age 45, Male
Joined on 7/17/04