brings back old memories! nice! BATMAN!!!! Same bat time same bat channell!
brings back old memories! nice! BATMAN!!!! Same bat time same bat channell!
pretty nice!
Well its to bad your not adding anything else to newgrounds after this..This is a pretty nice track here.. IT gets kinda trippy as you listen to it some great work.
Not to bad!
yeah i agree with the others when they say the cymbols should be softened a lil bit other then that i can't see anything else wrong with it.. I mean you could even get away with adding some effects to the song.. Great work!
accustical goodness!
Wonderful work here.. I'd say add that piano it may just work out for you! This is a pretty great song here.
Could make for a great horror movie ending or game ending.. Very great track here!
Rockin boss fight!
yeah its a pretty rockin boss theme!
Thank you, I would have apreciated some feedback
a little better
still very midi-esque but i suppose thats to be expected. Sounds a lil better from the earlier one i heard. Keep on it!
crazyness..a little hard to understand but yah. Go bunnys go!
hmm not bad.
its an interesting remix i'll say that.. It works out great.
Sometimes its just good to let the instruments tell the story right? this is a great case of that.. beautiful! Great work!
I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!
Age 45, Male
Joined on 7/17/04