Its not to bad. Really short but still hehe feels like its unfinished and needs mooooore! So, add more to it! heeh a piano that backs the first melody would be freaking awesome. Anyway good work there druid!
Its not to bad. Really short but still hehe feels like its unfinished and needs mooooore! So, add more to it! heeh a piano that backs the first melody would be freaking awesome. Anyway good work there druid!
Very interesting mix for sure.
I'm having trouble putting this to a situation in my mind other then something goes epicly wrong and the hero needs to run or something hehe all in all its a great song. Has that awesome old school sound to it mixed with some newer stuff. Lovely lovely stuff and congrats on top five.
PS: Chuck Norris scares me
Thanks, I'm glad I made it the way it is and I'm glad you liked it!
Congrats on top five!
I'd say this is pretty worthy. Has that cool metal meets 8 bit feel to it for sure. Reminds me a ton at parts of Mega man =). All in all a damn good song and worthy of top five for sure.
Great work i'll be adding this to my fav's
Its got a really chill sound
I'd say this is worthy of a 9 for sure. Its got a really chill sound and is very nicely put together. its almost like mega man meets jazzy coolness haha. I don't know any other way to put it. NIce use of effects and such as well. Great all round song! 9'd, 5'd and added to favs'
:) Thanks for the 9'er, wyldfyre! :D And a fave too! <3
Reminds me of another song. Can't recall wich.
I'd say the side chahining is a bit much for my opinion. Thats just a personal preference though. I like what your doing as far as melodies and such in this. I could deffenatly hear improvement as far as adding some more instruments to this and bringing out the song a bit more. Heck, a backing piano instrument with those synths would be freaking awesome. All in all though its a pretty fun song to listen to! Keep it up and thanks for the link!
I think a piano could work too! Maybe I'll get crackin on that.
As usual - Thanks a ton for the review wf1!
Now this is more like it.
This is a much more pleasing song to listen to then some of the others i've reviewed. Its got some really jazzy parts to it that get the head bobbing to it wich is good. The piano isn't to snazzy either. Great work and congrats on the top five again=).
Its not funny to give people headaches.
You have some good synth string work in here but i'd say thats about it. The song itself is pretty much an ear sore. It gets better at about 1:11 and then just kinda goes back to the original ear bleeding part haha. Then again though thats my opinion. Others must like it because its top five =)..Congrats on that at leasst. Keep up the music!
Others like it because it's top five? Why didn't you include in your review that other people didn't like it because I made it to the top five and they didn't? Like darkmaster603? Include both sides of the story, or none.
Certainly people have different tastes in music than you. Learn to respect that.
Too bad its not really blue grass =(
I'm not really enjoying this song at all. The choices of instruments and melodies in this seem almost annoying. The beat doesn't seem to stop through out most of the song and starts to get on the nurves after a while. I was really kinda excited to see that a "bluegrass" song made it to the top five and dissapointed to see that it was this instead. The song seems almost novice to me (no offence intended). I really don't know how it got top five. I will say this though, The piano at 2:13 made up for it slightly. Anyway keep it up!
Its not to bad really
The instruments really don't clash in my opinion like its been stated before. I think in some area's its just a bad choice of instrument. The song itself is a pretty decent listen but at the same time seems way to simple a times. like you could of kickted it up a notch by adding a few more backing instruments. None the less congrats on top five.
ahh good old zelda game.
I can't really remember what the exact title was for this zelda game. Perhaps ballad of the wind fish? LOL i don't remember but either way not a bad remix. Slightly too loud here and there so there are some mixing issues. Nice choice of instruments for the most part. I can't say i like the heavy drum beat that comes in at 0:20 into the song. It seems a bit much. For the most part the song brought back some memories so kudo's on that!
The volume doesn't change, so there shouldn't be issues with it being too loud. The drum beat actually happens in the game, you need to get the 8 instruments again and see for yourself. lol. :D Thanks
PS. Title was Link's Awakening.
I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!
Age 45, Male
Joined on 7/17/04