love the piano!
the opening actualy kinda works slowly but everything moves in and it sounds pretty well done. Over all i'd say you did a damn good job on this dispite transitioning problems keep it up!
love the piano!
the opening actualy kinda works slowly but everything moves in and it sounds pretty well done. Over all i'd say you did a damn good job on this dispite transitioning problems keep it up!
Credit for the naughtyness! though the bass is a bit too loud.. maybe its because its hard style eh? anyway thats what turns it off for me i guess. Very repetitive also wich could be a bad thing in this case because its loud. However i do enjoy what you did with the moans and such! Over all pretty decent job!
I'd add some actual rain sound clips in there to give it more of a feel with the name maybe some thunder. Great sound here though i love how it flows and moves almost as if telling a story! Great instrumentation!
nice reversal of instruments.
hell nice use of instruments all together. Great stuff. Lovely sounding stuff. Itneresting Orchistrated remake. Lovely to listen to and just keeps you listening.. Though if i were to say anything to make this better it would be change some of the levels of volume in your instruments and add some more reverb haha. Other then that great stuff!
Deffenatly has that rock sound!
Very secret agent like too. Great work on this song. Lovely sounds. Everything flows. It works great!
not bad.
Could be great for a RPG. Or even like a detective game or something like that. Not very long but thats ok. Great work over all!
keep it up!
It wasn't my intention to make it very long. It's supposed to serve an introductory song of sorts. Thanks for the review and encouraging words.
its not bad just needs a lil work ^_~.
For the piano i'd suggest adding a counter melody to bring out the beauty in the original piano sound. Add more reverb to the drums, and piano. Perhaps some strings or harp sounding instrument. If you do it right it'll stay kinda hard like it sounds. Either way good work thus far and keep on it!
very video game-esque!
I'd change the name though haha it sounds more like a space age type sound then a ben stiller sound LOL. Really though, great work on this song! Keep em coming!
thank you lol, i just whipped it up real quick for a game for my friend, only reason its titled that because i couldnt think of a title
I'm a huge nerd that enjoys being a little silly when the time comes for it. I'm the host and founder of "nerd is the new sexy Entertainment" and try to keep things interesting for the listeners and viewers!
Age 45, Male
Joined on 7/17/04