If ya haven't seen the Original Game ranger or Part 2 -A and Part 2- B I suggest you check em out! If you have brush up and just have fun watchin' em again!
Check out the new Redone Game ranger Here
After a helluva long time and many many problems to solve we've finally finished the Captain R-The Game Ranger Redone. its gonna have a bit more story, better graphics and many other things. So if you were a fan of the first one i suggest you check out the redone version! I think you'll like it!
It should be online here REAL SOON!
On a completely different note if you ever are looking for voice actors for your flash go here
Voice acting Adds
I also got to collab with Telliath on a song called Great Day So do check that out to..
its been a busy day for me haha.
oh you're in for it now
wyldfyre1 (Updated )
Those cookies must be laced with crack! LOL Or a damn good cookie!