Don't be afraid to give me constructive criticism... Ever! I put my sounds on here for your opinions and what you may think. This is the best or worst of my work and i want opinions on BOTH hah. I see too many people saying sorry for giving bad reviews (wich is understandable because i've done it to).. Don't be sorry thats why its up the only time i really get fussy with bad reviews is if they say "oh yah this sucks and you should die of bowel cancer" or something along those standards. THOSE people should be sorry 'cus they have no real maturity what so ever..
There are alot of jackasses out there that down vote and don't give reasons why. Well start haha. I wanna know whats wrong and why you possably didn't like it.. Don't get me wrong i don't expect everyone to like the music i post or every single thing i post in general. Just tell me what it lacks in your opinion or what you like about it. I've been getting alot of good posters lately telling me just that.
Anyway i've been having a small bit of a block the last few days. I'm thinking about writing a "Love song-ish" type song. We'll see what comes out.
Anyway thanks for reading guys and have a wonderful day!
Wyldfyre1/the caped bandit